News & Media

graphic depicting six faculty members appointed to named positions

On March 29, the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine announced the establishment of two endowed chairs in oncology and four endowed professorships in other veterinary areas. Six professors in the college have been…
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Recent Posts



What Is a Beyond Use Date?

September 16, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

Beyond use dates (BUDs) are different from expiration dates. Manufactured drugs have expiration dates, which are determined through extensive studies of the drugs’ stability, whereas com­pounded medications use BUDs. A BUD is the time after…
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Faculty Spotlight: Edgar Garrett, DVM, MS, DACT

September 15, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

Tell us about your background. I am originally from southwest Florida and attended Auburn University for my undergraduate studies and veterinary school. My first job as a veterinarian was at the University of Illinois as…
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[Dr. Bob Twardock]

In Memoriam: Dr. Arthur ‘Bob’ Twardock

September 09, 2021 / Alumni News

Dr. Bob Twardock passed away on Friday, September 3. He was a pioneer in the field of equine nuclear medicine. Working with Dr. Michael Devous, he developed non-invasive techniques using a gamma camera to diagnose…
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[dog on exam table]

COVID-19: Recommendations for Veterinary Practices

August 31, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

Best Practices for Vet Practices This list of recommendations was compiled in March of 2020 by Dr. Ashley Mitek from information provided by the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association, the Illinois Department of Public Health…
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Cytology Slides

Two Ways to Prepare Your Cytology Slide

August 23, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

The main goal in creating slides for cytologic assessment is to make smears that are thin and evenly distributed, yet without rupturing the cells. It is best to create multiple slides from one fine-needle aspirate…
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Pharmacist’s Corner: Expiration Dates

August 23, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

The Food and Drug Administration has required expiration dates on medications since the late 1970s. Using expired medications can be risky and potentially harmful to the patient’s health. Not only is there the possibility that…
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