April 2022

Job Number: #131 Job Details Job Title: ECC Clerical Support Service/Unit area: VTH Emergency / Critical Care Hiring Managers Name: Angie Derossett Hiring Managers Email: derosstt@illinois.edu Hourly Rate: $16.00/ hour Job Type: Clerical Job Structure:…
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Study of UI COVID-19 Data Shows Variation in Infective Periods

April 29, 2022 / In the News

United Press International (April 28) – “We capture the most complete, high-resolution, quantitative picture of how [the virus] replicates and sheds in people during natural infection,” Christopher B. Brooke, co-author of the Nature Communications study,…
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Impact of Avian Influenza Outbreak

April 26, 2022 / In the News

Tampa Bay Times (April 26) – The meat and egg industries keep checks in place to pull sick chickens from the food supply, said Yvette Johnson-Walker, a lecturer at the University of Illinois College of…
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Avian Flu Impacts Wild, Domestic Flocks

April 26, 2022 / In the News

WTTW-TV Chicago Tonight (April 25) – Dr. Yvette Johnson-Walker, clinical epidemiologist and lecturer at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, and Dr. Sarah Reich, head veterinarian and manager of rehabilitation aid and research…
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Bearded Dragons Make Good Pets

April 25, 2022 / In the News

WGN-AM (audio begins at 8:05; Chicago, April 24) – Dr. Krista Keller, a professor of zoological medicine at the U. of I. College of Veterinary Medicine, says bearded dragon lizards are the most domesticated of…
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Veterinary Drug Compounding Rules

April 22, 2022 / In the News

VIN News (Veterinary Information Network; April 21) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration took nearly 20 years to produce Guidance For Industry #256 – Compounding Animal Drugs from Bulk Drug Substances, released on April…
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Mask Ruling Not Good for All

April 20, 2022 / In the News

New York Times (April 19) – Dr. Rebecca Lee Smith, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois, said the ruling on masks was especially unfortunate because some people at higher risk of severe illness might…
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Lab IDs High-Path Avian Influenza in Cook Co. Birds

April 18, 2022 / In the News

CBS News (Chicago; April 15) – More than 200 birds at an Illinois forest preserve died in the last week, and authorities suspect they contracted the bird flu that’s threatening flocks nationwide, the Forest Preserves of…
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