July 2022

Job Number: #131 Job Details Job Title: ECC Clerical Support Service/Unit area: VTH Emergency / Critical Care Hiring Managers Name: Angie Derossett Hiring Managers Email: derosstt@illinois.edu Hourly Rate: $16.00/ hour Job Type: Clerical Job Structure:…
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cat on exam table with stethoscope on heart

New I-131 Protocol for Feline Hyperthyroidism

July 27, 2022 / Practitioner Updates

The small animal internal medicine service is pleased to announce a new, low-dose I-131 therapy for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism. This protocol has been shown to reduce the chances of iatrogenic hypothyroidism and azotemia,…
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Neuro Team Meets You Where You Are

July 27, 2022 / Practitioner Updates

Ten years ago, Dr. Devon Hague joined our hospital’s clinical faculty to rebuild a neurology service that had been without a boarded neurologist for 10 years. Aided by Denise Weber, a veterinary technician with extensive…
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Technician Spotlight: Rebecca Kamerer, CVT

July 27, 2022 / Practitioner Updates

Kamerer is the clinical trials coordinator for the oncology service. Tell us about your background. I am a true townie, born and raised right here in Champaign-Urbana. I went to veterinary technician school at Parkland…
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Captive Coyote Well-being in Cook County

July 27, 2022 / In the News

Chicago Tribune (with audio; July 26) – A coyote kept in a cage at a Cook County forest preserve will get a larger and better-equipped enclosure in response to protests over the animal’s living conditions….
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[Dr. Rebecca Lee Smith in a field with trees]

Funding for Vector-borne Disease Center Renewed

July 26, 2022 / Pathobiology

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced that funding for the Midwest Center of Excellence for Vector-borne Disease will be renewed for another 5 years. Professors Susan Paskewitz and Lyric Bartholomay co-direct the…
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[doctors and staff of the neurology service]

Neuro Service Advances Knowledge, Elevates Practice

July 25, 2022 / Message from the Dean

This message will appear in the Chicago Veterinary Medical Association Bulletin. Between 2002 and 2012, our college went without a boarded veterinary neurologist. But our steady growth since Dr. Devon Hague joined the faculty 10…
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Best Practices for Feeding Wild Birds

July 22, 2022 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; July ) – Dr. Sam Sander, director of the University of Illinois Wildlife Medical Clinic, and Brianna Huff shared healthy ways to feed wildlife with materials you already have at home. https://www.wcia.com/ciliving-tv/ciliving-stories/ciliving/build-your-own-bird-feeders-with-the-wildlife-medical-clinic/

Turtle Dogs Assist Research in Vermilion County

July 21, 2022 / In the News

WCIA-TV News (July 21) – “Humans… we’re good at a lot of things but finding turtles is not necessarily one of them,” said Dr. Matt Allender, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Illinois’ Veterinary…
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Ticks Found Year-round in Chicago Area

July 21, 2022 / In the News

Chicago Health (July 20) – Spread by tick bites, Lyme disease cases are rising in the Chicago area. Changing weather patterns mean ticks are showing up earlier than usual, hanging around later into the year…
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