To find the current ER triage status please review the Emergency and Critical Care section below.
Follow these steps to refer a patient to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana:
- Phone the hospital via the direct referring lines to schedule an appointment. You may also speak with the service.
- Complete the appropriate Referral Data Form through one of the following options:
- Fillable PDF (and then send via email or fax)
- Visit our online submissions form at
- Please send us:
- a copy of the medical record
- the completed Referral Data Form
- relevant diagnostic images
- Handout to provide to clients
Payment policy. Clients scheduling new appointments (not rechecks or bandage changes) at the Small Animal Clinic and Veterinary Medicine South Clinic will be required to prepay the applicable office visit fee to secure the appointment. This deposit will be applied to the clients’ account at the time of the appointment.
Clients who cannot prepay via credit card must send a check for the visit fee. If the check has not been received one week before the appointment, the appointment will be canceled and the client will be notified.
Clients’ deposit will be refunded only if the appointment is canceled at least one week before the scheduled appointment, or, at the discretion of hospital administrators, in circumstances such as inclement weather.
When a referring veterinarian makes the appointment, we will contact the client for payment. Appointments scheduled for the same day will not be required to prepay the office visit fee.
Teaching Hospital in Urbana | Small Animal Clinic | Large Animal Clinic |
Referral Line: | 217-333-5311 | 217-333-2001 |
Medical Records Phone: | 217-333-5363 | 217-333-8100 |
Medical Records Fax: | 217-244-9554 | 217-333-9796 |
Medical Records Email: | | |
Referral Coordinator Email: | |

Download the Illinois DVM mobile app from iTunes or Google Play.
Choose a service area from the list below for details on faculty, capabilities, and contact information
Anesthesiology and Pain Management
For Consultations Contact:
Small Animal Clinic: 217-333-5311
Large Animal Clinic: 217-333-2001
Ask for the anesthesiologist on duty.
For More Information About Anesthesiology
For Estimates Contact:
Clinical Coordinator:
Candice Simpson, CVT
For a Consultation Fill Out:
*If this is an emergency, call the main hospital number Small Animal Clinic 217-333-5300 or Large Animal Clinic 217-333-2000
For More Information About Cardiology
Dentistry and Oral Surgery
For Estimates Contact:
Clinical Coordinator:
Misty Croy, CVT
To help us expedite your client’s visit, please email or fax your patient’s medical record, including recent blood work, prior to the scheduled appointment. A complete blood count and serum chemistry panel performed within the past month are required for patients age 5 years or older, or who have a history of systemic disease.
More Info About Dentistry and Oral Surgery
Dermatology and Otology
For Estimates Contact:
Clinical Coordinator:
Miriah Lareau (Dermatology)
For allergen orders, call 217-333-5377
For a Consultation Fill Out:
*If this is an emergency, call the main hospital number Small Animal Clinic 217-333-5300 or Large Animal Clinic 217-333-2000
Emergency and Critical Care – Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
For Estimates Contact:
Emergency Receiving:
ER FAX: 217-244-7377
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
If you are a veterinary clinic referring a case to the emergency room and sending records after 4pm M-F, all day Saturday and Sunday, or on observed holidays, please send them to the email above so they can be accessed.
Referring veterinarians may call to alert the staff to incoming cases; the public may call (217-333-5300) or use our walk-in emergency clinic any time.
Triage Tiers: Current Status – Level 1
- Level 1: The Small Animal Clinic ER/ECC service is operating normally.
- Critically ill patients will take priority over stable patients, but all patients are expected to be seen.
- Once seen, owners with stable patients may be told to make the next available appointment with the appropriate specialty service.
- Level 2: Patients presenting for chronic illness will not be seen.
- Acute manifestations of chronic disease will be seen (e.g., AoCKD, relapsed IMHA, etc.)
- Patients presenting for minor complaints or whose care could be postponed for a visit with their primary care veterinarian the following day (e.g., diarrhea, UTI) will be seen but will likely have a substantial wait time.
- Only emergent cases will be transferred to VTH specialty services from ER; patients requiring specialty care that are stable will be sent home and scheduled with the specialist as appointments are available.
- Level 3: Only cases that would die or suffer significant morbidity will be seen.
- “Significant morbidity” in this context means that if the patient is not seen that day, their condition is expected to or potentially worsen significantly by the following day. Examples include toxicosis, myelopathies, bite wounds, etc.
- Level 4: Only true life-threatening conditions will be seen.
- The emergency service will be closed to all emergencies unless the patient is expected to die without being seen.
- Cases that will be seen include GDV, sepsis, CHF, urinary obstructions, collapse, respiratory distress, etc.
More Information about ER and ECC
Equine Medicine and Surgery
For Emergencies, Admissions, Consultations, and Appointments Contact:
Emergency admissions accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including all holidays.
More Information About Equine Medicine
Food Animal Reproduction Medicine Services
For Emergencies/ Consultations/Appointments, Contact:
Large Animal Clinic Front Desk for in-house or ambulatory appointments: 217-333-2001
Clinical Coordinator:
Amy Saupe, CVT
More Information About Food Animal Reproduction Medicine
Imaging Services
To request digital copies of diagnostic images, please contact Medical Records:
Small Animal: 217-333-5363
Large Animal: 217-333-8100
To set up direct access to our digital image system so that you can review your patient’s diagnostic images, please contact Medical Records at 217-333-5363
Clinical Coordinators:
- Melinda Smith, CVT
- Sarah Van Note B.S., R.T (R)(M)(CT)(BD)
For More Information About Imaging Services
Internal Medicine (Small Animal)
For Estimates Contact:
Clinical Coordinator:
Sara Roy, CVT
Please call 217-333-5311 for consultations
Download our client handout on I-131 therapy
For More Information About Internal Medicine
Laboratory Services
See the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
Medication Dispensary
The University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital Medication Dispensary provides a full range of medication services including dispensing medications, preparing intravenous admixtures, formulating and preparing compounded medications, and assisting with drug information questions such as dosage and calculation questions. In addition, our residency-trained veterinary pharmacists assist with teaching veterinary students in both the didactic and clinical curriculum. The pharmacists are also available to assist with any questions you may have regarding commercial and/or compounded medications.
The Medication Dispensary serves as a resource for clinicians, staff and students and is actively involved in clinical research studies. Hospitalized patients are provided 24-hour service through a system of 6 automated dispensing machines and faculty/interns/residents as needed.
Medications may be dispensed to clients only for conditions currently being treated by hospital clinicians. An option to have medications shipped is available for clients located throughout Illinois. Unfortunately, we are unable to ship to addresses outside of Illinois.
We have created video tutorials for reconstituting a powdered antibiotic and administering intranasal or rectal anti-seizure kits. You are welcome to refer your clients to these videos when relevant.
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
For Consultations Contact:
Pharmacist on Duty
Use our online consult form:
Neurology and Neurosurgery
For Estimates Contact:
Clinical Coordinator:
Denise Weber, CVT, M.Eng. (BIOE)
To help us expedite your client’s visit, please email or fax your patient’s medical record, including all recent lab work, prior to the scheduled appointment. Medical records can be emailed to or faxed to 217-244-9554 (ATTN: Neurology).
Atlantoaxial Bandage Tutorial
If you have questions on this video please reach out to Denise Weber
For Estimates Contact:
Clinical Coordinator:
Jenny Byrd, CVT
For Clinical Trials Contact:
Rebecca Kamerer, CVT
For More Information About Oncology
For Estimates/Appointments, Contact:
Clinical Coordinators:
Shari Poruba, CVT
Lorri Zoch, CVT
For More Information About Ophthalmology
For Estimates/Appointments, Contact:
Clinical Coordinator:
Kim Knap, BS, CVT, CCRP
We make every effort to accommodate the pet owner’s schedule and can typically see all appointments for an evaluation within 2-3 weeks. We are happy to develop rehabilitation treatment plans for your postoperative, acute, and chronic orthopedic and neurological cases.
For referrals please complete the referral form and send it and the records to
For More Information about Rehabilitation
Shelter Medicine
To reach the Spay-Neuter, Community Outreach, and Shelter Medicine service:
217-778-PETS (217-778-7387)
For More Information About Shelter Medicine
Surgery (Small Animal)
For Estimates, Contact:
Clinical Coordinator:
Kellie Gard, CVT
For a Consultation Fill Out:
*If this is an emergency, call the main hospital number Small Animal Clinic 217-333-5300 or Large Animal Clinic 217-333-2000
Soft Tissue and Oncologic Surgery:
Clinical Coordinator:
Rachel Dorney, CVT
For More Information About Small Animal Surgery
Theriogenology (Reproduction)
For Emergencies/Consultations/Appointments, Contact:
Large Animal Clinic, 217-333-2001
More Information About Theriogenology
Urgent and Convenient Care
Zoological Medicine
Reminder we are in our new location at Veterinary Medicine South Clinic.
Phone Number: 217-244-2555
New address: 2100 S Goodwin Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
We moved just across Hazelwood Avenue to the south of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
For Estimates Contact:
Jennifer Trail, CVT
Wildlife Medical Clinic
Directed by a faculty member, the patient care team will provide exceptional care for the patient. Faculty members have received advanced training and, in most cases, board certification from specialty organizations. Other members of the team may include:
- Residents in training for board certification;
- Interns engaged in postdoctoral training;
- Certified veterinary technicians and veterinary technician students;
- Professional veterinary students;
- Veterinary assistants;
- Client services and animal care staff.
Please understand that in addition to their clinical service, faculty members also have teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities. Therefore, referrals must be made with the faculty member assigned to clinical duty at the time the animal is presented. This is true even if you’ve spoken with another faculty member by phone and he/she has encouraged you to refer a case.
Although the clinicians on duty during your patient’s visit may vary, we strive for close communication among the staff and complete medical records to enable us to provide continuity of care.
A preliminary contact report will be sent to you after your referral patient has been examined, or the case clinician may contact you by phone.
As the referring veterinarian, you will receive a final written report after the patient is discharged.
Please contact the clinical coordinator for the service (identified in the directory above on this page) if you have questions about the diagnostic and treatment plans or estimated costs for referred patients.
If you wish to be contacted by e-mail, please send your e-mail address to: