A great place to work
In 2024 Forbes ranked the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign as #13 among all US public colleges, on the basis of return on investment, student success, student debt, and alumni leadership and influence. Only one other campus featuring a veterinary college ranked above U. of I.
What Awaits You at the College of Veterinary Medicine?
Opportunity! We’re growing. Between 2016 and 2021, we’ve invested more than $36M in facilities improvements to clinical, instruction, and research facilities.
You can grow with us. Many clinical faculty positions offer flexibility in balancing your appointment’s focus within our mission of teaching, research, and service. We want to help you pursue your passion.
Community The College of Veterinary Medicine is committed to a culture of inclusiveness, collegiality, professionalism, and service. You’ll find open communication and transparency in decision making.
We strive to bring an integrated approach to all our endeavors. That means building interdisciplinary teams to push the boundaries of science and medicine. And uniting the basic and clinical sciences in our innovative veterinary curriculum. And engaging faculty at all levels, staff, and students as we chart the future trajectory of the college.
Continuity An impressive number of leaders in biomedical research, clinical specialties, and education have built a legacy of impact since our founding in 1948. That legacy continues today. United in our desire for healthy animals, people, and environment, our diverse college community provides a welcoming workplace for new team members who share this vision.
Featured Openings at the College
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Instructor or Lecturer in Wildlife Epidemiology
- Instructor or Lecturer in Food Animal Medicine, Reproduction and Surgery
- Instructor or Lecturer in Shelter Medicine
- Lead Software Engineer – iLearning Center, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Office Support Specialist – Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
- Open Rank Tenure or Clinical Track in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
- Staff Veterinarian – Veterinary Teaching Hospital – Anesthesia – Large Animal
- Tenure or Clinical Track Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Veterinary Surgical Oncology
- Tenure-Track or Clinical Track Assistant or Associate Professor in Veterinary Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery
- Tenure-Track of Clinical Track Open Rank Professor in Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery
- Veterinary Technician
For Additional Jobs at The College
Search for “veterinary” on the Illinois Jobs Board
Looking to Hire?
Visit our free Job Board for Veterinary Employers, Alumni, and Students
Be part of something big …
… where you can make a big difference.
Our Veterinary Teaching Hospital is always seeking clinicians and technicians. Join us if you value high-quality medicine and compassionate care, educating veterinary students and professionals, and advancing clinical knowledge.
Veterinary Teaching HospitalAbout the Veterinary Teaching Hospital
We have more than 80 veterinary faculty members in our hospital, with boarded clinicians in 16 areas of specialization. In addition, our care team includes around 50 residents and interns and 100 certified veterinary technicians.
An $12 million hospital-wide renovation and expansion project wrapped up in 2021. Since 2015 we’ve added:
- A 9,000 sq ft small animal surgery wing with 8 ORs, including an interventional radiology suite
- A state-of-the-art linear accelerator and a new 128-slice CT to support its use
- A 3T MRI
- A new facility for small animal primary care, zoological medicine specialty services, and our Wildlife Medical Clinic
Our hospital is dedicated to:
- Supporting a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives
- Invigorating collaborations across disciplines to advance veterinary science, student instruction, and patient care
- Making a lasting impact through education, outreach, and discovery
We love veterinary technicians!
Find out about the career options and benefits of working as part of the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Contact our program coordinator for more information!