Accreditation Info

The Council on Education

The accrediting body for Colleges of Veterinary Medicine in the United States is the Council on Education (COE) of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). The most recent site visit by the COE at the University of Illinois was in November of 2021, after which the College again was afforded “full accreditation.” The next COE site visit is scheduled for spring semester 2027.

Requirements for Graduation

The Illinois Board of Higher Education and the University of Illinois Board of Trustees have approved the requirements for graduation. In order to graduate, each veterinary student must complete 156 total semester hours, of which 8 are elective and the remainder are core requirements.

Requirements for Licensure in Illinois

  • Licensing Requirements for the State of Illinois
  • The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Veterinary Medicine has determined that our curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure in the state of Illinois. We are unable to determine if the curriculum meets the educational requirements for any of the remaining U.S. states and jurisdictions. Please go to to find your state’s requirements, resources and contact information. You are encouraged to contact the appropriate licensing agency for your location or wherever you desire to be licensed to seek information and additional guidance. Please be aware that there may be licensure requirements in addition to an academic program’s curriculum.
    Note: This disclosure is being made in compliance with federal regulation 34 CFR §668.43 and the State Authorization and Reciprocity Agreements Manual.

Process for Withdrawal – Dismissal policies

  • In order to avoid academic penalty, students must withdraw from class(es) before the official University drop date. View the Academic Calendar
  • The college may permit a drop without penalty after the drop date in the case of extreme extenuating circumstances.
  • All students who withdraw from the DVM program can be readmitted only by action of the college’s Scholastic Petitions Committee.
  • Students who withdraw from the college are responsible for returning any college supplies, equipment, and keys, in their possession.
  • The student should contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (2271G VMBSB) for guidelines for returning material which has been checked out to the student.

Outcomes at Graduation

The COE requires that all accredited Colleges of Veterinary Medicine publish their average pass rate for the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE). The COE minimum standard for NAVLE pass rate is 80% (the percentage of each senior class passing the examination in November-December and April of the final year of veterinary school). The COE further requires that each school publish data on employment rates, salaries, and educational debt.

  Year  NAVLE pass rateEmployment rateSalary meanSalary medianEducational debt meanEducational debt median
08-09 94% 83.9%53,36960,000114,137120,000
09-10 95% 87.0%50,74860,000119,054132,500
10-11 98% 79.6%55,37562,000131,659150,000
11-12 98% 57.0%49,18852,000151,322160,000
12-13 94% 85.8%55,85663,000149,139160,000
13-14 98% 87.6%56,22965,500141,541160,000
14-15 99% 95.9%59,15166,000156,208175,000
15-16 96% 97.5%55,68566,500149,651173,302
16-17 94% 96.6%62,71770,000140,807159,545
17-18 98% 96.2%72,03980,000156,994171,021

Cost of Attendance

Information on current tuition, fees and cost of living estimates in Champaign-Urbana are available here.

Student Comments

Each accredited college must provide a mechanism for students, anonymously if they wish, to offer suggestions, comments, and complaints regarding compliance of the college with the Standards of Accreditation. The link for currently-enrolled veterinary students at Illinois to make comments on this issue is here.