August 2019

Job Number: #131 Job Details Job Title: ECC Clerical Support Service/Unit area: VTH Emergency / Critical Care Hiring Managers Name: Angie Derossett Hiring Managers Email: Hourly Rate: $16.00/ hour Job Type: Clerical Job Structure:…
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[Victor E.O. 'Ted' Valli]

Remembering Dean Ted Valli

August 30, 2019 / Alumni News

Brilliant, World-renowned, Gracious Dr. Victor E.O. “Ted” Valli, who served as the fifth dean of our college from 1990 to 2001, passed away on August 9 in Visalia, Calif. We remember him as deeply committed…
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Health Dangers of Microplastics

August 14, 2019 / In the News

Consumer Reports (Aug. 13) – Because research into microplastics is so new, there’s not yet enough data to say exactly how they’re affecting human health, says Jodi Flaws, Ph.D., a professor of comparative biosciences and…
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Algal Bloom on Waterway Harmful to Pets, People

August 14, 2019 / In the News

Peoria Journal-Star (Aug. 13) – “These organisms are microscopic. They are not like normal algae … and they are very, very potent,” said Dr. Michael Biehl, clinical professor of toxicology at the University of Illinois…
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Veterinary Pathologist Comments on Stingray Deaths

August 14, 2019 / In the News

Chicago Tribune (Aug. 9) – Karen Terio, chief of the University of Illinois program, said her lab tested the samples and “there was no evidence of anything infectious, contagious or inflammatory.”

Avoid Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases

August 14, 2019 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; Aug. 9) – Dr. Rebecca Smith, veterinarian and epidemiologist who oversees the I-TICK study, shares details on the disease-carrying ticks that could affect pets and people in Illinois.

Lecture Capture in Veterinary Education at Illinois

August 12, 2019 / In the News

Echo360 blog (August 12) – Terrence Stuber, an audiovisual specialist, says that, over the course of the 2018 academic year, more than 1,000 classroom videos were captured at the Illinois veterinary college.–DxmnIOD9QvBduNEFbYodtwu2BEN6txKrqQ6yt44h6b2nWdGXiGZAzs95R45n42SOYauA32IR-42VaHqVxrs4zFtnZGA&_hsmi=75768723

Dr. Sarah Reich with turtle patient

Wildlife Rehab for the General Practioner

August 08, 2019 / Practitioner Updates

Wildlife Rehab – What Can You Do? It’s an all-too-familiar scenario: A client walks into your clinic with a wild animal. “I found this on the side of the road. Can you do anything?” Responses…
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Dr. Krista Keller ausculting a patient using the "chicken restraint device"

Top Tips for Seeing Backyard Chickens

August 08, 2019 / Practitioner Updates

Tips to Help Busy Practitioners with Chicken Cases Have you been seeing a lot of backyard chickens at your practice recently? If yes, you are certainly not alone. More and more clients are reaching out…
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New Shell-Eating Fungus Identified in Turtles

August 05, 2019 / In the News

The Wildlife Society (Aug. 1) – “By causing damage to the shell, it essentially could be a portal by which bacteria could enter and make an animal sick,” said Karen Terio, a clinical professor and…
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