August 2021

Job Number: #131 Job Details Job Title: ECC Clerical Support Service/Unit area: VTH Emergency / Critical Care Hiring Managers Name: Angie Derossett Hiring Managers Email: Hourly Rate: $16.00/ hour Job Type: Clerical Job Structure:…
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[dog on exam table]

COVID-19: Recommendations for Veterinary Practices

August 31, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

Best Practices for Vet Practices This list of recommendations was compiled in March of 2020 by Dr. Ashley Mitek from information provided by the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association, the Illinois Department of Public Health…
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Pandemic Puppies in Backpacks

August 27, 2021 / In the News

Wall Street Journal (Aug. 27) – “Not to state the obvious, but every dog should have the ability to walk and run around every day,” said Ashley Mitek, an assistant professor of veterinary medicine at…
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COVID-19 and Pets

August 27, 2021 / In the News

AARP (Aug. 26) – Felines have receptors similar to humans that allow the coronavirus to attach and infect, explains Will Sander, DVM, assistant professor of preventive medicine and public health at the College of Veterinary…
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COVID Lessons Learned Assist Plans for New Fall Semester

August 26, 2021 / In the News

Market Watch (Aug. 26) – “On the behavioral side, we have learned a lot,” said Rebecca Smith, an associate professor of epidemiology, who has worked throughout the pandemic on the school’s response. “If students aren’t participating…
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What Is the Outlook for Veterinarians in Illinois?

August 24, 2021 / In the News

Illinois Farm Bureau Partners Podcast (Aug. 20) – Dr. Jim Lowe, a rising third-year veterinary student, and graduate Dr. Chelsea Ballinger discuss the excellent prospects for veterinary practice as well as the opportunity to ease…
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Cytology Slides

Two Ways to Prepare Your Cytology Slide

August 23, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

The main goal in creating slides for cytologic assessment is to make smears that are thin and evenly distributed, yet without rupturing the cells. It is best to create multiple slides from one fine-needle aspirate…
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Pharmacist’s Corner: Expiration Dates

August 23, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

The Food and Drug Administration has required expiration dates on medications since the late 1970s. Using expired medications can be risky and potentially harmful to the patient’s health. Not only is there the possibility that…
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Veterinary Student Receives Farm Bureau Support

August 19, 2021 / In the News

Agrinews (Aug. 16) – Illinois Farm Bureau recently selected Sydney Miller, a second-year vet student at the U of I College of Veterinary Medicine, as its 2021 recipient of the IFB Illinois Veterinary Education and…
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