Student Blogs

After finishing a challenging first year at vet school, I knew that there were more difficult subjects to come in second year. That was an understatement… First Quarter The first quarter started off as expected:…
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career fair

Students Organize First Vet Med Career Fair

March 13, 2018 / Student Blogs

This past weekend was the inaugural University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Career Fair. Rachel Berger (second-year veterinary student), Dr. Jeffrey Mills (Central Illinois Medical Director for Banfield Pet Hospital), and I recognized a…
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river otter

Hands-On Rotation Helps Classroom Material Stick

February 07, 2018 / Student Blogs

As a second-year veterinary student, it is a nice change to be back on rotations. After many quarters spent in the classroom, the learning style in the clinics helps to break up the material. This…
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