Student Blogs

After finishing a challenging first year at vet school, I knew that there were more difficult subjects to come in second year. That was an understatement… First Quarter The first quarter started off as expected:…
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[corneal ulcers - horses]

Keeping an Eye Open for Corneal Ulcers

October 24, 2018 / Student Blogs

Most horses will experience a corneal ulcer Coming out to the barn and finding your horse squinting and excessively tearing from one eye is enough to cause any horse owner to worry. Injuries to the…
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[Jen Tito with kitten]

Summer Experience Builds Confidence

October 13, 2018 / Student Blogs

Banfield student job program It is important for vet students to gain clinical experience over our breaks. In the Illinois program, we are fortunate to have clinical rotations early in the curriculum, but often on…
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[shelter medicine trip to Rhodes 2018]

Trip to Greece Delivers Hands-on Learning

September 26, 2018 / Student Blogs

This summer, Shelter Medicine faculty, staff, and students volunteered their time and service to help homeless animals on the island of Rhodes, Greece. The team provided physical examinations on all shelter animals located at the…
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AQUAVET® III Provides Hands-On Learning Experience

September 17, 2018 / Student Blogs

The past five weeks I had the honor of participating in AQUAVET® III: Clinical Aspects of Captive Aquatic Animal Medicine. The course is offered through Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine and takes place at…
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Two Weeks at Dolphin Discovery

August 29, 2018 / Student Blogs

“Un pequeño.” Those are the words I repeatedly said through my two weeks in Cozumel, Mexico. It means “a little,” and it was my response to being asked if I speak Spanish. I have taken…
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Our 2018 Tanzanian Experience

August 20, 2018 / Student Blogs

A note from the program organizer, Dr. Margarethe Hoenig:This program would not have been possible without the collaboration with Professor Muhairwa at the Sokoine Agricultural University Department of Veterinary Medicinein Morogoro. We thank Anthony Mhandoand…
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A Week in Ecuador with World Vets

August 20, 2018 / Student Blogs

In July 2018, I worked in Otovalo, Ecuador, as a student volunteer with World Vets, an incredible organization whose mission is to “improve the health and well-being of animals by providing veterinary aid and training…
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Extern Broadens Horizons at Equine Facility in Ireland

August 14, 2018 / Student Blogs

For the past two weeks I had to amazing opportunity to visit Sycamore Lodge Equine Hospital in Kildare, Ireland. Nestled in the heart of the Curragh racecourse, this equine hospital offers surgery, regular appointments, hospitalization/critical…
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[horse innards and parasites]

Prevent Parasites, Reduce Problems for Your Horse

August 09, 2018 / Student Blogs

Lots of kinds of parasites plague our horses, producing lots of problems. A short list of these problems includes weight loss, diarrhea, colic, unthrifty coat, skin sores, suboptimal performance, and the dreaded itchy bum. Keep…
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