December 2021

Job Number: #131 Job Details Job Title: ECC Clerical Support Service/Unit area: VTH Emergency / Critical Care Hiring Managers Name: Angie Derossett Hiring Managers Email: Hourly Rate: $16.00/ hour Job Type: Clerical Job Structure:…
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Recent Posts



Dr. Clara Moran

Faculty Spotlight: Clara Moran, DVM, MS, DACVS-SA

December 14, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

Dr. Clara Moran is a faculty member with the small animal surgery service. Tell us about your background. I’m from Georgia originally. I went to UGA for undergrad and for vet school, and have always…
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Small Animal Emergency Service Returns to Level 1

December 14, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

Above, boarded emergency and critical care specialists Drs. Jenica Haraschak and Meghan Fick examine a dog in the newly renovated and expanded ER at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Advance Calls Appreciated We greatly appreciate your…
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A Message from the Hospital Director

December 14, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

Dear Colleagues, As many of you know, I am a straight-shooter and problem-solver. Over the past four years as hospital director, I have worked with referral partners and hospital faculty and staff to implement an…
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Safe Holidays for Pets

December 13, 2021 / In the News

Danville Commercial News (Dec. 11) – Make sure your holiday preparations keep pet safety in mind. Dr. Ashley Mitek, a veterinarian at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, offers tips to prevent accidents…
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Microbiology Residency Receives USDA Grant

December 09, 2021 / In the News

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Assoc. (Dec. 8) – The National Institute of Food and Agriculture within the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced in November that it had awarded $2.8 million in grants to…
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Time to Act on Snake Fungal Disease

December 07, 2021 / In the News

National Geographic (Dec. 7) – “I think it’s everywhere,” says Dr. Matthew Allender, who has detected the snake fungus in as far-ranging locales as the western U.S. and Puerto Rico. Though the fungus may not…
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Dongwan Yoo in the lab

Pig Disease Powerhouse

December 07, 2021 / Message from the Dean

This message will appear in the Winter 2021/2022 issue of the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association Epitome. “Another Global Pandemic Is Spreading” proclaims the headline from a recent article in Wired magazine. The story is…
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