Research News

The annual Research Day celebration at the College of Veterinary Medicine took place on April 17. Dr. Annette McCoy, associate professor of equine surgery and interim dean of research and advanced studies, coordinated the event. Dr. Miranda…
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[Hajera Afreen presents at Undergraduate Research Week Symposium]

Undergraduate Research Thrives at Veterinary College

April 23, 2018 / General News

We welcome undergraduate researchers As an R1 university—one that grants doctoral degrees and is engaged in “the highest research activity”—Illinois has always included undergraduate students in research, and the emphasis on undergraduate research is growing….
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[Saniya Rattan explains her work to a listener]

Research Day Celebrates Graduate Student Achievements

April 20, 2018 / General News

Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, a pediatric neurologist and professor of pediatrics, neurological sciences, and biochemistry at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, delivered the centerpiece address at the college’s annual Research Day celebration, held April 18,…
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[Pretzel, a brain cancer patient treated with PAC-1)

PAC-1 Trial in Humans with Brain Cancer Extended

November 28, 2017 / General News

Dogs with brain tumors responded well to PAC-1 drug combo A drug that spurs cancer cells to self-destruct has been cleared for use in a clinical trial of patients with anaplastic astrocytoma, a rare malignant…
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[William Helferich, Jodi Flaws, James Hartman]

Study: Genistein May Adversely Affect Female Fertility

November 15, 2017 / Comparative Biosciences News

Genistein is found in dietary supplements Exposure to the phytoestrogen genistein prior to conception may adversely affect female fertility and pregnancy outcomes, depending on the dosage and duration of exposure, a new study in mice…
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