July 2023

A student listens to a dog's heart while Dr. Alyssa Baratta-Martin assists

A deep understanding of the needs of pet owners has guided Dr. John Anderson Coyne, Class of 1974, through a long and successful career. That’s one reason he chose to name the lobbies of the…
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Recent Posts



Meet an Eastern Box Turtle

July 19, 2023 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; July 12) – Dr. Stephany Lewis and Dr. Amanda Wong from the University of Illinois Wildlife Medical Clinic introduce Hazel, an eastern box turtle that serves as one of the clinic’s cherished ambassador…
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Veterinary Drug Diverted to Illegal Human Drug Trade

July 14, 2023 / In the News

Daily Beast (July 11) – Xylazine, a common animal tranquilizer typically used on horses and other large livestock, has been used to cut other drugs like fentanyl and heroin. Since xylazine isn’t scheduled, “there are…
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Photos from the award presentations to Peter Constable and Pamela Wilkins

Constable, Wilkins Receive Honors at AVCIM Forum

July 12, 2023 / General News

Two University of Illinois faculty members, Dean Peter Constable and Dr. Pamela Wilkins, were among the honorees when the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) recently presented three Recognition Awards and three Specialty Lifetime…
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Illinois Faculty Win ACVIM Recognition

July 11, 2023 / In the News

Street Insider (July 11) – The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) announced the recipients of the 2023 ACVIM Recognition Awards. Recipients are accomplished veterinary professionals who have demonstrated excellence, dedicated service, and expertise….
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Illinois Lab Identifies Snake Fungal Disease in California

July 10, 2023 / In the News

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s snake fungal disease project has found that the disease occurs in more locations and impacts more snakes in California than previously known. The project was undertaken in collaboration with the Wildlife…
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Graduate Student Awarded $20K International Scholarship

July 07, 2023 / In the News

News-Gazette (July 6) – Dr. Rebecca Bishop, who is completing a residency in equine surgery as well as pursuing a PhD, received a $20,000 scholarship from the P.E.O. Sisterhood, an international organization that supports educational…
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New Test Detects Coronavirus in All Species

July 07, 2023 / In the News

Yahoo! News UK (July 6) – One of the ways new COVID-19 variants may arise is through animals. To combat this, a group of researchers led by U. of I. virologist Ying Fang have developed…
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South Clinic Earns Cat Friendly Certification

July 07, 2023 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; July 6) – Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, director of the hospital’s Veterinary Medicine South Clinic, describes the steps taken to achieve designation as a Cat Friendly Practice, including training on cat body language and…
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