In the News

American College of Veterinary Pharmacists website (June 5) – In a news release announcing newly elected board members, Dr. Alexandra Gochenauer, pharmacist in charge at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital who is vice…
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Scholarship Supports Diversity in Veterinary Medicine

March 01, 2021 / In the News

Fox Illinois TV (Feb. 26) – On Friday, the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine announced the new $500,000 scholarship to help advance diversity within the profession. The Hadley Family Diversifying Opportunity in Veterinary…
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Bearded Dragon Recovers from Fungal Infection

February 22, 2021 / In the News

Commercial News (Danville, Ill.; Feb. 20) – Dr. Krista Keller, who heads the service and is a board-certified specialist in zoological medicine, was Frankie’s doctor. The classical appearance of a N. guarroi infection is a…
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COVID Pandemic Has Advantages, If You’re a Dog

February 16, 2021 / In the News

Chicago Tribune (Opinion; Feb. 12) – Kim Selting, a professor of veterinary clinical medicine at Illinois, writes about the pandemic from a canine’s perspective.

Essential Fatty Acids & the Endocannabinoid System

February 01, 2021 / In the News

Project CBD (Healdsburg, Calif., Jan. 28) – Recently discovered endocannabinoids aren’t quite household names in the cannabis or nutrition communities yet. “There is a lot of interest in the omega-3 fatty-acid-derived endocannabinoids,” says U. of…
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Using Blood Smears for Diagnosis in the Wildlife Clinic

January 29, 2021 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; Jan. 27) – With help from a clinic ward manager, Dr. Sam Sander displays the red blood cells from a rabbit and from a raptor to highlight the differences.

COVID-19 Testing Adopted by Madison Campus

January 19, 2021 / In the News

WISC-TV (Madison, Wis., Jan. 17) – The University of Wisconsin, Madison wrapped up its first week of a new COVID-19 response plan that includes the use of saliva-based tests. The plan is based on the…
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New Podcast Called ‘Veterinary Detective’

January 10, 2021 / In the News

News-Gazette (Jan. 8) – “The Veterinary Detective” is a clever podcast launched last month by the UI’s College of Veterinary Medicine. DR. ASHLEY MITEK is your host. Among the UI Vet Med colleagues she’s had as…
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Who Is That Masked Faculty Member?

January 06, 2021 / In the News

News-Gazette (Dec. 24) – In a series of slideshows featuring of selfies from “Illini of today and yesteryear” wearing their face covering of choice, several faculty members from the College of Veterinary Medicine have made…
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