July 2022

A student listens to a dog's heart while Dr. Alyssa Baratta-Martin assists

A deep understanding of the needs of pet owners has guided Dr. John Anderson Coyne, Class of 1974, through a long and successful career. That’s one reason he chose to name the lobbies of the…
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New Biosecurity Resource for Farmers

July 17, 2022 / In the News

WCIA-TV News (July 8) – Students and professors teamed up at the University of Illinois to create an easy-to-use website for pork farmers to educate themselves on biosecurity. They say knowing more about biosecurity will…
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Alumna Wins Award from CDC

July 17, 2022 / In the News

Carbondale Reporter (July 11) – In recognition of her outstanding contributions to veterinary public health, Dr. Kate Varela (DVM IL ’12) received the CDC’s 2022 James H. Steele Veterinary Public Health Award. https://carbondalereporter.com/stories/628568727-kate-varela-honored-with-cdc-steele-award

Dr. Kate Varela (third from left in front) investigated a polio outbreak in Ghana.

Kate Varela Honored with CDC Steele Award

July 07, 2022 / Alumni News

When Kate Varela started her veterinary studies in 2008, she knew she wasn’t seeking a traditional career as a clinician. “After working in Washington, D.C., for two years between undergrad and vet school, I had…
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Evaluating the Heart Size on Radiographs

July 06, 2022 / Practitioner Updates

Fig. 1. A dog with moderate cardiomegaly with a VHS of 11.5. There is evidence of left atrial enlargement. The pulmonary vessels and parenchyma are unremarkable with no evidence of cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Thoracic radiographs…
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Pharmacists Corner: Insulin Delivery: Pen or Syringe?

July 06, 2022 / Practitioner Updates

Proper administration and dosing of insulin is imperative to achieve maximum efficacy while avoiding hypoglycemia. Therefore, accuracy and precision of dose administration is crucial. There are two techniques for insulin administration in pets: by vial…
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Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Thomas Lowery, DVM

July 06, 2022 / Practitioner Updates

Dr. Lowery is part of the hospital’s food animal reproduction medicine service (FARMS). Tell us about your background. I originally grew up on a family-owned dairy farm in Mazon, Ill., about one hour south of…
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Tips for Calming Pets During Fireworks

July 05, 2022 / In the News

News-Gazette (June 26) – Dr. Marcella Ridgway, clinical professor of small animal internal medicine at UI Vet Med, advises: “Walk dogs earlier in the day, when fewer fireworks are going off — if possible, in…
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