May 2020

A student listens to a dog's heart while Dr. Alyssa Baratta-Martin assists

A deep understanding of the needs of pet owners has guided Dr. John Anderson Coyne, Class of 1974, through a long and successful career. That’s one reason he chose to name the lobbies of the…
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Recent Posts



Wildlife Medical Clinic Reopens

May 21, 2020 / In the News

Danville Commercial News (May 20) – The University of Illinois Wildlife Medical Clinic returned to accepting new patients on May 18. However, because the ongoing pandemic requires several procedural modifications to ensure the safety of…
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Risk of COVID Infection from Cats

May 19, 2020 / In the News

Popular Science (May 18) – To date, there have been no reports of a human becoming infected with the virus due to interactions with an infected cat. Karen Terio, chief of the Zoological Pathology Program…
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Pharmacist’s Corner: COVID-Related Drug Shortages

May 15, 2020 / Practitioner Updates

While drug shortages have been a part of our daily life for some time, COVID-19 has caused some new drug shortages. These shortages have two possible causes: Manufacturing interruptions of the active ingredients and/or the…
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Follicular Conjunctivitis

Eyes on Fire: Managing Conjunctivitis in Dogs

May 15, 2020 / Practitioner Updates

Multiple pink, raised follicles can be seen on the anterior third eyelid and along the ventral palpebral conjunctiva in this dog, giving it a cobblestone-like appearance.   We all know that conjunctival redness, or hyperemia,…
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[Sarah Wright at an aquarium]

Block Z: My Journey’s Unexpected End

May 15, 2020 / Student Blogs

‘Thank you for the learning, friendship’ When we’re young we learn the alphabet. I remember dressing up as the letter “Z” for the alphabet parade in kindergarten, parading around my elementary school with zippers glued…
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