April 2019

A student listens to a dog's heart while Dr. Alyssa Baratta-Martin assists

A deep understanding of the needs of pet owners has guided Dr. John Anderson Coyne, Class of 1974, through a long and successful career. That’s one reason he chose to name the lobbies of the…
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ER Expert Advises on Choking Emergencies

April 04, 2019 / In the News

Daily Herald (south suburban Chicago; April 3) – Dr. Maureen McMichael, a veterinarian at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana, who is board certified in emergency and critical care, suggests trying to…
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Equine Expert Comments on Lasix Debate

April 04, 2019 / In the News

Thoroughbred Daily News (April 3) – Dr. Pamela Wilkins of the University of Illinois’s College of Veterinary Medicine said dextrose can actually be more harmful than Lasix. “I’m sure it’s effective, but it’s worse for…
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What to Do with Backyard Baby Bunnies

April 03, 2019 / In the News

WIXY 100.3 FM (April 3) – Melissa with Holstein and Company passed along tips she saw on the Wildlife Medical Clinic Facebook page on how to prevent your dogs from attacking baby bunnies in your…
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Spring Hazards for Wildlife, Dogs

April 01, 2019 / In the News

News-Gazette (March 31) – April showers and May flowers aren’t the only signs of spring. There are also baby birds and warm dogs. Every spring, the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine issues reminders…
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