August 2018

A student listens to a dog's heart while Dr. Alyssa Baratta-Martin assists

A deep understanding of the needs of pet owners has guided Dr. John Anderson Coyne, Class of 1974, through a long and successful career. That’s one reason he chose to name the lobbies of the…
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Recent Posts



Get to Know Lauren Kane

August 14, 2018 / Get to Know

Dr. Lauren Kane, DVM, MS, zoological and aquatic animal resident, has been with the College of Veterinary Medicine since July 2018.  Using 10 words or less, describe what your role at the college is: Resident,…
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Extern Broadens Horizons at Equine Facility in Ireland

August 14, 2018 / Student Blogs

For the past two weeks I had to amazing opportunity to visit Sycamore Lodge Equine Hospital in Kildare, Ireland. Nestled in the heart of the Curragh racecourse, this equine hospital offers surgery, regular appointments, hospitalization/critical…
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[horse innards and parasites]

Prevent Parasites, Reduce Problems for Your Horse

August 09, 2018 / Student Blogs

Lots of kinds of parasites plague our horses, producing lots of problems. A short list of these problems includes weight loss, diarrhea, colic, unthrifty coat, skin sores, suboptimal performance, and the dreaded itchy bum. Keep…
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Get to Know Kellie Lecher

August 02, 2018 / Get to Know

Kellie Lecher, CVT, small animal orthopedics clinical coordinator, has been with the College of Veterinary Medicine for six years.  Using 10 words or less, describe what your role at the college is: I help to…
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