August 2024

poster image featuring yellow brick road, rainbow, and Toto dog

The 2024 Open House, put on by more than 400 students from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, has adopted a cinematic theme this year that will transport visitors to a place of…
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GI Stasis in Rabbits and Guinea Pigs

August 13, 2024 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; Aug. 5) – Dr. Erica Bender, a specialty intern in zoological medicine at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, describes the signs of “gastrointestinal stasis,” a potentially serious problem in rabbits…
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5 new faculty members: Drs. Stephany Lewis, Bill Krug, Matt Berry, Carl Toborowsky, and Ana Aghili

Meet the Newest Members of the Team That Shapes the Future

August 05, 2024 / Message from the Dean

This message will appear in the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association Epitome. Last year, Mars Veterinary Health released a study documenting what so many of us already knew first-hand: There’s a shortage of veterinarians, veterinary…
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Holly Fuson with spouse

Get to Know Holly Fuson

August 01, 2024 / Get to Know

Holly Fuson, Director of Online Programs and Extension at the College of Veterinary Medicine, began working at the college in 2007. When did you begin working at the College of Veterinary Medicine?I started at the…
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