January 2023

A student listens to a dog's heart while Dr. Alyssa Baratta-Martin assists

A deep understanding of the needs of pet owners has guided Dr. John Anderson Coyne, Class of 1974, through a long and successful career. That’s one reason he chose to name the lobbies of the…
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Illinois Student Wins International Diversity Scholarship

January 30, 2023 / In the News

dvm 360 (Jan. ) – Theodore Berlanga, Class of 2025, was one of 18 veterinary students from American Association of Veterinary Medical College member institutions selected to receive the Merck Animal Health Diversity Scholarship. The…
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COVID Containment Strategies on Campuses Justified

January 27, 2023 / In the News

Chronicle of Higher Education (Jan. 26) – Rebecca Smith, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, said the study justifies the concerns among colleges at the outset of the pandemic about…
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Two members of the Illinois DVM Class of 2023, Val Ivanina and Jason Szumski

Financial Outlook Brightens for New Veterinary Graduates

January 26, 2023 / Message from the Dean

This message will appear in the Chicago Veterinary Medical Association Bulletin. The AVMA recently shared some very good news from its 2022 Survey of Graduating Seniors. This annual online survey collects information on student demographics,…
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Rehab for Horses

January 26, 2023 / In the News

The Horse (Jan. 24) – Dr. Lori Madsen, DVM, an equine veterinarian at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital who’s pursuing a specialty in sports medicine and rehabilitation, said, “Physical rehabilitation for animals is not just…
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Help Your Pet Age Gracefully

January 06, 2023 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; Jan. 5) – Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, medical director of the University of Illinois Veterinary Medicine South Clinic in Urbana, visited the set to advise pet owners on helping their pets age gracefully. https://www.wcia.com/ciliving-tv/ciliving-stories/ciliving/tips-on-helping-your-pet-age-gracefully-from-university-of-illinois-veterinary-medicine/

Hospital Provides End Care for Abused Dog

January 03, 2023 / In the News

Herald-Review (Decatur, Ill.; Dec. 29) – Two Decatur residents were arrested for animal cruelty and neglect after leaving several dogs outside during extreme cold. One dog was found near death and was eventually euthanized at…
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Rescued Blue Heron Released on Lake Sara

January 03, 2023 / In the News

Effingham Daily News (Dec. 29) – Scott Ealy put on his wet suit and caught the massive bird that had frozen to the pond. He took it to the University of Illinois Wildlife Medical Clinic…
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