May 2021

Job Number: #131 Job Details Job Title: ECC Clerical Support Service/Unit area: VTH Emergency / Critical Care Hiring Managers Name: Angie Derossett Hiring Managers Email: Hourly Rate: $16.00/ hour Job Type: Clerical Job Structure:…
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Canine Atopic Dermatitis: Update on Treatment Options

May 06, 2021 / Practitioner Updates

Above: A Yorkshire Terrier with erythema (skin inflammation) and hyperpigmentation due to atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common cutaneous inflammatory and pruritic diseases in dogs. The treatment options have been expanding…
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Congratulations to Helena

May 03, 2021 / Uncategorized

Congratulations to Helena for winning the Top Award of the presentation competition at the college’s annual Celebration of Research. She presented a poster on “Deletion of Negative Elongating Factor B (Nelf-b) in Sertoli Cells Leads…
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Congratulations to Helena

May 03, 2021 / Uncategorized

Congratulations to Helena for winning the Top Award of the presentation competition at the college’s annual Celebration of Research. She presented a poster on “Deletion of Negative Elongating Factor B (Nelf-b) in Sertoli Cells Leads…
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