October 2020

A student listens to a dog's heart while Dr. Alyssa Baratta-Martin assists

A deep understanding of the needs of pet owners has guided Dr. John Anderson Coyne, Class of 1974, through a long and successful career. That’s one reason he chose to name the lobbies of the…
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‘Take Care of Yourselves, Each Other’

October 15, 2020 / Practitioner Updates

Dear Colleagues, So, here we are, in our seventh month of the pandemic, working harder in the hospital than we have ever worked before, or trying to hold it together working at home and no…
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New Clinical Trials

October 15, 2020 / Practitioner Updates

Investigation of Canine Epilepsy The purpose of this study is to utilize a very novel MRI tech­nique known as SPectroscopic Imaging by exploiting spatiospec­tral CorElation (SPICE) to noninvasively measure brain metabolites in dogs with idiopathic…
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COVID Deaths in Minks

October 13, 2020 / In the News

WGN Radio (Oct. 12) – Dr. Will Sander talks about the deaths from the new coronavirus at mink farms in Europe and in Wisconsin and Utah. https://wgnradio.com/chicagos-afternoon-news/covid-19-is-killing-minks-by-the-thousands-in-wisc-utah-but-can-it-impact-your-pets/

Fall Migration for Wildlife

October 09, 2020 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; Oct. 8) – Dr. Sam Sander and student manager of the Wildlife Medical Clinic Erica Bender explain which species pass through central Illinois during their fall migrations. https://www.wcia.com/ciliving-tv/critters-uncaged-preparing-for-fall-migration/

Dangers of Discarded Facemasks

October 08, 2020 / In the News

WCIA-TV (Oct. 7) – Dr. Ashley Mitek comments on the possible dangers posed to pets and wildlife from carelessly discarded facemasks. https://www.wcia.com/news/growing-problem-face-mask-litter/