March 2020

Job Number: #131 Job Details Job Title: ECC Clerical Support Service/Unit area: VTH Emergency / Critical Care Hiring Managers Name: Angie Derossett Hiring Managers Email: Hourly Rate: $16.00/ hour Job Type: Clerical Job Structure:…
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How Schools Will Handle Virtual Learning

March 16, 2020 / In the News

The 21st (March 16) – Dr. Jim Lowe, director of the college’s i-Learning Center, is a guest on the show to discuss how educators are handling the sudden transition to virtual learning in the days…
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Infectious Disease Expert Defines ‘Coronavirus’

March 16, 2020 / In the News

News-Gazette (March 15) – Dr. Jim Lowe, an associate professor in the UI Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, says: “Viruses are very simple microscopic parasites that cannot reproduce on their own. They need a cell,…
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[surgeons in OR with face masks]

COVID-19: Surgical Mask Shortages Impact Veterinarians

March 15, 2020 / General News

FAQs for veterinary practitioners See also: FDA: Surgical Mask and Gown Conservation Strategies (link to Anesthesiology News) COVID-19: Recommendations for Veterinary Practices (from University of Illinois)   My practice can no longer obtain surgical masks….
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COVID-19 Transmission among People, Animals

March 15, 2020 / In the News

Tampa Bay Times (March 15) – Yvette Johnson-Walker and Will Sander, veterinary faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, offer their expertise regarding the tiny risk of this form of coronavirus spreading to humans…
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More on Pets and Coronavirus

March 10, 2020 / In the News

Science Alert (from Business Insider; Canberra, Australia, March 9) – Despite reports that a dog tested “weak positive” for coronavirus, most experts agree that household dogs and cats are not at risk of spreading the…
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Hearing Loss in Dogs

March 09, 2020 / In the News

Phys-org (March 5) – Just like humans, dogs are sometimes born with impaired hearing or experience hearing loss as a result of disease, inflammation, aging or exposure to noise, according to Dr. Kari Foss, a…
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New Clinical Trials for Dogs with Cancer

March 07, 2020 / In the News

ciLiving (WCIA-TV; March 6) – Dr. Alison Masyr, a veterinarian at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital who is pursuing specialization in the area of oncology, describes new trials available for dogs with a…
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Coronavirus and Pets

March 06, 2020 / In the News

WCIA-TV News (March 5) – Dr. Ashley Mitek shares the current consensus that there is no evidence dogs can catch the COVID-19 virus. Also in: * News-Gazette (March 8)