
Welcome Sydney!

We want to introduce you to our new Wildlife Medical Clinic Program Coordinator, Sydney Oliveira! We asked her a few questions to share with you and included them here! We are looking forward to all…
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A Strong Bite

This year, an injured, adult common snapping turtle, ​​Chelydra serpentina, was brought to the Wildlife Medical Clinic after being spotted with a fishing hook stuck through its tongue. Snapping turtles are native primarily to Central…
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Keep Unwanted Critters Away!

Dr. Sam Sander talks about the many ways to keep unwanted wildlife out of your homes during the colder months! https://www.wcia.com/ciliving-tv/dont-play-opossum-keep-unwanted-critters-out-of-your-home/ 

Wildlife University 2022

Over the weekend of October 22nd and 23rd, the Non-Traditional Species Club of the College of Veterinary Medicine had its annual, online conference, Wildlife University. During this two-day event, speakers from across the University of…
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The “Eye-deal” Owl

This year, an injured, adult barred owl was brought to the Wildlife Medical Clinic for care after being hit by a bus. Barred owls are native to eastern North America and live an average of…
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Just Hanging Around: Bats of Illinois

Fairy tales and tall tales recounting the lore of bats have existed for thousands of years. An early Slavic community in Romania believed bats flying over an unburied human corpse could bring them back to…
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