Student Blogs

Manifestation of Mange

Most of the red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) that present to the Wildlife Medical Clinic are underweight, lethargic, and have some severe skin disease. Their skin is dry, flaky, crusty, and sometimes even has open wounds….
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Thankful this Thanksgiving

It can be easy to take our local wildlife for granted and have them blend into the scenery of our everyday lives. At the Wildlife Medical Clinic, we’re thankful we get to work with wildlife…
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Wildlife Friendly Halloween Decorations

The beginning of the holiday season is starting off this month with (arguably) the best holiday, Halloween! If you are anything like me, you know that decorations are some of the most fun aspects of…
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Meet the WMC Summer Interns!

Every summer, the Wildlife Medical Clinic student volunteer base leave campus for their own adventures and learning opportunities. With the summer being our busiest season, we still have plenty of animals to take care of…
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Otters in Urbana??

Each year, we care for more than 100 different species in the Wildlife Medical Clinic, which is one of the most interesting aspects of volunteering there! While we can count on some species to always…
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Why should I care about Virginia Opossums?

Virginia Opossums (Didelphis virginiana) often get a bad rap, but they can actually be helpful to us and our environment! But wait, aren’t they dangerous wild animals that can infect me with diseases? Yes, they…
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