Student Blogs

Winter Time in Illinois

While the wintertime blues can be triggered during the shorter days and colder temperatures winter brings, we also tend to see an exciting change in the wildlife population during this time. Some birds, bats and insects migrate out of Illinois and head towards warmer weather…
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Welcome Bri!

The Wildlife Medical Clinic would like to welcome our new student manager Bri Huff! Bri is a first-year veterinary student from Ringwood, IL. She completed her undergraduate education here at the University of Illinois, where…
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Holiday Lights

Carly Clark, C/O 2024 With the holiday season upon us, its that time of the year where everyone starts to break out the extravagant decorations. Giant candy canes and inflatable snowmen start appearing in yards,…
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Frogs that can’t freeze

By Cassie Lynch, C/O 2023 As winter approaches, many local species prepare for the colder temperatures by relocating, growing a thicker fur coat, and even hibernating. We often think of birds, foxes, and bears as…
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Raptors, Rats and Rodenticide

This time of year, rodents become a bothersome issue for many households making many people reach for rodenticides to control the issue. While these poisons are effective for rodent control, they pose a threat to…
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Say Hello to Patty the Opossum!

The Wildlife Medical Clinic is proud to officially present our newest Wildlife Ambassador—Patricia (Patty) the Virginia opossum! Like many of our ambassadors, Patty was first a patient at the WMC. She had been kept illegally…
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