
University of Illinois students visit Danville to help with a community medicine clinic

Is it really necessary to test your pets for certain diseases at the annual veterinary visit? And what about paying for vaccinations and monthly preventive medications? Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, director of Veterinary Medicine South Clinic,…
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[sad dog]

Lumps and Bumps on My Pet

June 24, 2019

Accurate Veterinary Advice Is Empowering Imagine petting your dog or cat and finding a lump, something you hadn’t noticed there before. Feeling alarmed, you turn to an online search engine, which yields lots of scary…
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[black cat in a kitchen]

Cats with FeLV and FIV Can Live Normal Lives

June 03, 2019

Communication between owner and vet is vital Two acronyms that can be confusing to cat owners are FeLV and FIV. FeLV stands for feline leukemia virus, and FIV is feline immunodeficiency virus. Although caused by…
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[curious cat]

Keep Your Medications Away from Pets

March 04, 2019

Or make emergency veterinary visit They say curiosity killed the cat, and it gets dogs into some bad situations as well. Curiosity often leads to disaster when pets find their way to human medications such…
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[bichon frise - allergies]

Got an Itch?

February 18, 2019

Itchiness Could Mean Allergies With winter’s dry air and cold temperatures, it’s no wonder everyone—including your furry friends—has dry skin! But unrelated to the weather, dry and itchy skin caused by allergies is a very…
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[Dr. Stephanie Keating intubates a tiger]

Big Cat Care Requires Anesthesia

January 28, 2019

Illinois Anesthesia Team Helps Exotic Felines Think your cat is uncooperative during a veterinary examination? Image if your cat weighed more than 400 pounds and had three-inch-long teeth and claws! Unsurprisingly, lions, tigers, and other…
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[Dr. Devon Hague with patient]

I Think My Pet Had a Seizure. Now What?

January 07, 2019

Seizures have a wide variety of causes Seizures in pets can be scary for pet owners. Knowing what seizures look like and what to do when they occur can help put pet owners at ease….
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[dog in front of decorated tree]

Pets and Holiday Decorations Don’t Mix

December 17, 2018

Dangers Lurk in Lights, Plants, More What you think of as holiday décor just might look like playthings to your pets. “Animals will investigate anything new in their environment,” says Dr. Michael Biehl, a veterinary…
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[Dr. Alycen Lundberg]

New Chemo Agent May Help Cats with Lung Cancer

November 26, 2018

Trial seeks nine cats with lung cancer Yes, cats can get lung cancer. Through a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental exposures, a cancerous growth can arise just about anywhere in any body. For cats,…
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