Public Health

close-up of tick "questing" for a host

They crawl on your shoes as you hike. They burrow in your scalp. They crawl around in the hair of your dog and nestle in the skin of your cat. “They” are ticks! Every veterinary…
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dairy cows outdoors by birds

Why All the Fuss about Avian Influenza?

July 08, 2024

You’re coughing and you feel miserable. Is it “the flu”? Maybe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that, most years, around 30 million people in the United States will become ill with influenza,…
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poster for Open House 2023

Have a Super Time at Vet Med Open House

September 18, 2023

This year the annual Open House at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine wants visitors to know that “Veterinarians Are Superheroes.” (Although they don’t—usually—wear capes.) People of all ages are encouraged to attend…
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[closeup of dog's nose/face]

Coronavirus and Pets: FAQs for Owners

August 30, 2021

These FAQs were last updated on September 28, 2021. The newest additions are at the top of the page and reflect the most recent updates. Do dogs and cats need to be vaccinated for SARS-Cov-2?…
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Rabies Vaccination Required for All Cats in Illinois

January 26, 2020

Vaccinated Pets Protect Public Health Dr. Ashley Mitek, assistant teaching professor at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and small animal Extension veterinarian, compiled the following FAQs about the new cat rabies law,…
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[dog in a car]

Traveling with Pets: Know the Rules

December 08, 2019

Pet travel is regulated “Most people consider pets as family members and often bring their pets with them when traveling,” says Dr. Adriana Roman-Muniz, a veterinary medical officer for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)…
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[outdoor cats can get rabies]

Rabies in Skunks, Bats, and Cats, Oh My!

September 03, 2019

In U.S., More Cats Than Dogs Test Positive for Rabies September 28 is World Rabies Day, a day to raise awareness about rabies virus and promote prevention and control efforts worldwide. But how much do…
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Every Day Is ‘One Health’ Day for Veterinarians

February 04, 2019

Improving health for people, animals, the environment [row][column size=”6″] As the pace of global change and growth continues to escalate, it’s increasingly recognized that the health of people, animals, and the environment is inextricably linked….
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