Public Health

close-up of tick "questing" for a host

They crawl on your shoes as you hike. They burrow in your scalp. They crawl around in the hair of your dog and nestle in the skin of your cat. “They” are ticks! Every veterinary…
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[nine-banded armadillo]

Get to Know the Amazing Armadillo

October 30, 2017

But Experts Say, Don’t Get Too Close It’s official. With confirmed sightings last August, nine-banded armadillos are now part of the wildlife scene in east central Illinois. Dr. Julia Whittington, director of the Wildlife Medical…
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[FEMA workers rescue a dog from a flooded neighborhood]

Be Prepared: Include Pets in Disaster Planning

May 22, 2017

Emergency responders help all household members “You may not be able to prevent a disaster from occurring, but you can reduce its impact with a little planning,” advises Dr. Loukia Agapis, a veterinarian at the…
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[necropsies - pathology slide]

Necropsies Solve Mystery of Animal Deaths

May 07, 2017

Necropsies, the equivalent of human autopsies In every murder mystery, there is a scene where the coroner interprets markings, bruises, and injuries on the dead body to estimate a time and cause of death. What…
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[girl with goat]

New Feed Directive Applies to All Farm Animals

February 12, 2017

Antibiotics can no longer be used for growth promotion Just as many people make New Year’s resolutions about dietary changes to improve health, so the veterinary world began this year with a health-oriented change to…
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