
Ambassador Animals Crossword Puzzle

Want to test your skills and see how much you know about our ambassador animals? Try out this cool crosswords puzzle and put your knowledge to the test! Feel free to go on our Facebook…
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Therapy in Reptiles

At the end of August, an adult male Midland Painted Turtle presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic from a rehabilitator after it was suspected to have been hit by a car. This patient had a…
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Turtle Shell Repair

The Wildlife Medical Clinic commonly receives turtles in need of shell repairs. Recently, an injured adult Midland painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) was admitted to the clinic for “having a cracked shell.” Chrysemys picta are the…
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Snakes! Part 2  

What should you do if you come across a venomous snake?  If you are out for a hike and come across a venomous snake, it is best to just leave it alone and give it…
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Wildlife Observation Guide Activity

Where can we find different wildlife species? Print out this activity and place these animals in their homes! Feel free to share your fully colored masterpieces with us on Facebook by tagging us at ‘Wildlife…
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Snakes, an animal group that frequently causes fear in people. Whether it be due to them having scales, their quick and unique locomotion, or maybe it’s the fact that some are deadly.Unfortunately, due to this…
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Odin the red-tailed hawk

Wildlife Misconceptions

One of our goals at the Wildlife Medical Clinic is to educate the public about the animals that live around us, and that sometimes involves correcting long-believed ideas. Here are four of my favorite misconceptions…
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