
Welcome Sydney!

We want to introduce you to our new Wildlife Medical Clinic Program Coordinator, Sydney Oliveira! We asked her a few questions to share with you and included them here! We are looking forward to all…
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Winter and Ambassador Animals

Here at the Wildlife Medical Clinic, our ambassador birds, reptiles, and mammals prepare for winter with a little bit of help from our team. Birds of prey need to increase their body weight by 25-30%…
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A Strong Bite

This year, an injured, adult common snapping turtle, ​​Chelydra serpentina, was brought to the Wildlife Medical Clinic after being spotted with a fishing hook stuck through its tongue. Snapping turtles are native primarily to Central…
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Keep Unwanted Critters Away!

Dr. Sam Sander talks about the many ways to keep unwanted wildlife out of your homes during the colder months! https://www.wcia.com/ciliving-tv/dont-play-opossum-keep-unwanted-critters-out-of-your-home/ 

Wildlife University 2022

Over the weekend of October 22nd and 23rd, the Non-Traditional Species Club of the College of Veterinary Medicine had its annual, online conference, Wildlife University. During this two-day event, speakers from across the University of…
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The “Eye-deal” Owl

This year, an injured, adult barred owl was brought to the Wildlife Medical Clinic for care after being hit by a bus. Barred owls are native to eastern North America and live an average of…
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