
Welcome Bri!

The Wildlife Medical Clinic would like to welcome our new student manager Bri Huff! Bri is a first-year veterinary student from Ringwood, IL. She completed her undergraduate education here at the University of Illinois, where…
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Raptors, Rats and Rodenticide

This time of year, rodents become a bothersome issue for many households making many people reach for rodenticides to control the issue. While these poisons are effective for rodent control, they pose a threat to…
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Wildlife Crosswords

Try your hand at our fun crosswords while learning what animals are native to our state!

A Birds-Eye View

An injured adult barred owl was recently presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic. At the triage exam, we assessed this animal to have head trauma, with notable bruising around the right ear, bloody nasal discharge,…
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Just Wing It!

When you break a bone, you might get a cast or a set of crutches from your doctor. But what do we do for birds with broken wings? Every year dozens of birds are brought…
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Love is in the Air

By: Lauren Vincent, Class of 2023 In honor of Valentine’s Day, we wanted to explore the unique mating rituals of avian species that are seen at the Wildlife Medical Clinic. Interestingly, many of these birds…
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Winter Word Scramble

While we tend to stay home and avoid the cold, wildlife have developed their own ways to spend the winter. Many birds migrate, traveling to warmer areas with plentiful food and shelter. Some wildlife may…
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I Spy Winter Wildlife Homes

Every winter, as trees lose their leaves, we get a unique view into how trees support the local ecosystem. If you look up at nearby trees this time of year, you may see non-migratory birds…
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Saw-Whet Sounds

I think I speak for most people when I say that the sounds animals can make are incredible! From communication, to mating, each animal’s call is unique to their species, and in some cases, distinct…
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Winter Forage Challenge

Northern cardinals can be found in Illinois year-round. They scavenge for berries, seeds, and even the occasional hiding bug. Complete this maze to help this cardinal find some seeds!