
University of Illinois students visit Danville to help with a community medicine clinic

Is it really necessary to test your pets for certain diseases at the annual veterinary visit? And what about paying for vaccinations and monthly preventive medications? Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, director of Veterinary Medicine South Clinic,…
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[dog looking guilty]

GI Upset in Cats and Dogs

October 12, 2020

Consistent Diet May Help Prevent the Problem The two most common symptoms seen in a small animal general practice are vomiting and diarrhea, referred to as “GI [gastrointestinal] upset.” These symptoms can range from mild…
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[Dr. Catherine Foreman-Hesterberg adjusts horse's spine]

Chiropractic Adjustment for Animals

August 12, 2020

Most Effective for Biomechanical Conditions For centuries now, many cultures have practiced spinal manipulation in people as a therapy to complement traditional medicine. It’s unclear when this practice was first used for animals, but the…
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Cancer in Cats: More Research Needed

July 20, 2020

Cancer Treatment Has Come a Long Way Animals and humans have a lot in common. Not only do they share the same living environments, but they also share many similar segments of genes. This makes…
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[Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, right, teaches how to do a physical exam of a dog]

Fat Cats and Heavy Hounds

June 14, 2020

The Problem of Overweight Pets By most estimates, well over half of all cats and dogs in the United States are overweight. Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, a small animal veterinarian at the University of Illinois Veterinary…
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Rabies Vaccination Required for All Cats in Illinois

January 26, 2020

Vaccinated Pets Protect Public Health Dr. Ashley Mitek, assistant teaching professor at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and small animal Extension veterinarian, compiled the following FAQs about the new cat rabies law,…
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[Dr. Caroline Tonozzi examines a dog in the ICU]

Marijuana and Pets Should Not Mix

January 10, 2020

Pet Poisoning Cases Get Higher In the first week that recreational use of the drug became legal in Illinois, the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital saw two cases of likely marijuana intoxication in pets….
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[dog in a car]

Traveling with Pets: Know the Rules

December 08, 2019

Pet travel is regulated “Most people consider pets as family members and often bring their pets with them when traveling,” says Dr. Adriana Roman-Muniz, a veterinary medical officer for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)…
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[Dr. Mallory Kanwal and a canine dental patient]

COHAT: More Than a Pet Dental Cleaning

September 09, 2019

Pet Dental Care Improves Quality of Life When an animal visits the veterinarian for a dental cleaning, the procedure is often referred to as a “dental.” Dr. Mallory Kanwal, a second-year resident in the dentistry…
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