
Star-Gazing Red-Shouldered Hawk

Student blog by: Dana Clark (Class of 2019, volunteer team leader) Presentation: A red-shouldered hawk presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic on February 11, 2018. On physical exam, the patient was initially dull, but perked…
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rabbit in snow

Winter Preparations Can Help Wildlife

Winter is coming, and wildlife animals are preparing. Each species handles the weather getting colder and the days getting shorter differently; some animals hibernate, some animals migrate, and some animals adapt to the climate around…
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river otter in clinic pool

Northern River Otter Case Report

In the middle of April, an adult male North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic after being found unresponsive on the side of the road. A Good Samaritan brought the…
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Featured Endandered Wildlife Species

by Lauren Kane (VM16) Blue Iguana (Cyclura lewisi) The Grand Cayman Blue Iguana (Cyclura lewisi) is endemic to the island of Grand Cayman and is one of the longest-lived species of lizards. Fewer than 15 animals…
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Featured Endandered Wildlife Species

by Lauren Kane (VM16) Blue Iguana (Cyclura lewisi) The Grand Cayman Blue Iguana (Cyclura lewisi) is endemic to the island of Grand Cayman and is one of the longest-lived species of lizards. Fewer than 15 animals…
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Featured Endangered Wildlife Species

by Steve Zachar (VM16) Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) Similar in size to a German Shepherd Dog, the Mexican gray wolf is the smallest wolf subspecies, as well as the most critically endangered wolf…
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Featured Endangered Wildlife Species

by Steve Zachar (VM16) Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) Similar in size to a German Shepherd Dog, the Mexican gray wolf is the smallest wolf subspecies, as well as the most critically endangered wolf…
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