Student Blogs

Barred Owl Recovery

By Megan Stuart, class of 2020 On February 26th, the clinic received a barred owl that had been found after being hit by a car. The owl was upright and didn’t have any immediately noticeable…
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Barred Owl Has a Big Week!

A Barred Owl was transferred to the Wildlife Medical Clinic from a nearby veterinary clinic on February 20th after being hit by a car on February 18th. In their initial exam, the team noticed an…
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Star-Gazing Red-Shouldered Hawk

Student blog by: Dana Clark (Class of 2019, volunteer team leader) Presentation: A red-shouldered hawk presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic on February 11, 2018. On physical exam, the patient was initially dull, but perked…
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A Barred Owl Valentine

Barred Owl: from head trauma to flight An adult barred owl was brought to the Wildlife Medical Clinic on a cold February day. Volunteers quickly appreciated classic signs of head trauma: dazed look, inappropriate reaction…
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Owl without an Eye

Case by Faith Ramsey, VM19 Triage and Presentation: A Barred Owl was presented to the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital Emergency Room in November 2017 for head trauma and hyphema (blood) in the left…
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Red-Shouldered Hawk Case

Tony Bieser, VM20, Team Leader Red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus)  This hawk presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic after being found down near a public road. The finders cared for the patient for an unknown amount…
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