Clinic Update

Flight Cage Renovation!

We have some exciting news to share!   Our wildlife ambassador animals will be getting a new home in the summer of 2019. This enclosure will not only be designed for the individual needs of…
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Welcome, Dr. Sander!

The Wildlife Medical Clinic is happy to welcome our newest doctor to the team, Dr. Samantha Sander! Dr. Sander completed her veterinary training at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 2010. In…
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Welcome Back, Students!

At the beginning of each school year, applications open for undergraduate and veterinary students to become care team members for our patients. We are so excited about the large turnout we received this year! Almost 120…
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Meet The Managers!

The Wildlife Medical Clinic has two veterinary students employed as clinic managers (in addition to the over 100 student volunteers). These vet students oversee the clinic daily, stay on campus over vacations and breaks to…
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Raise the Roost!

On Wednesday, May 9th, the Wildlife Medical Clinic held an event to celebrate moving to into their new permanent clinic space. This event was open to all staff and students who wanted to attend and raise…
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A Barred Owl Valentine

Barred Owl: from head trauma to flight An adult barred owl was brought to the Wildlife Medical Clinic on a cold February day. Volunteers quickly appreciated classic signs of head trauma: dazed look, inappropriate reaction…
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barred owl

Barred Owl Joins WMC as New Resident

This beautiful barred owl has recently been accepted as a new member of the resident raptor team! She initially presented this past spring because she was unable to fly. Radiography, palpation, and range of motion…
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New Golf Cart!

Thank you to Leon Williams and Donna Dietrich for donating a golf cart for patient and equipment transport! This cart will allow volunteers to get patients back to the clinic, take them to the main hospital for radiographs, surgeries, or other procedures, and allow us to move any necessary equipment or donations between buildings.