
Quarantine Scavenger Hunt!

If you are anything like many of us at the Wildlife Medical Clinic, then staying at home 24/7 takes a toll on you! However, this is a wonderful chance to spend some time outside (while…
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Undergraduate Volunteer Interviews

A majority of the individuals who work in the Wildlife Medical Clinic are current University of Illinois veterinary students. However, a not-enough-talked-about aspect in our clinic is the incredible undergraduate program that allows students hand-on…
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The Case of the Feisty Great Horned Owl

Every new animal that walks (or flies) through our doors presents us with a different sort of adventure!  Some animals have an easy fix and simply need supportive care, such as warming and rehydration, to…
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How Well Do You Know the WMC?

How well do you know the WMC? You’re a huge supporter of the Wildlife Medical Clinic, and now is the time to test your clinic knowledge. Answer these questions and take note of your answers….
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WMC in the News: Ring-necked Duck Case

Our Facebook friends were in for quite a ride following our recent Ring-necked duck patient’s case! The initial details of the case were even featured on Fox Illinois- read the article here:!

In Memory of Poppy

Thank you to Randy and Patricia Rushing for sponsoring a day at the Wildlife Medical Clinic.  They chose to sponsor November 27th in honor of their beloved golden retriever Poppy. Poppy joined their family as…
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Making the tough decisions

Here at the Wildlife Medical Clinic, our goal is to treat wildlife to be able to release them back into the wild. If you’ve brought in an animal and called back to get an update…
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