
Barred Owl Recovery

By Megan Stuart, class of 2020 On February 26th, the clinic received a barred owl that had been found after being hit by a car. The owl was upright and didn’t have any immediately noticeable…
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Barred Owl Has a Big Week!

A Barred Owl was transferred to the Wildlife Medical Clinic from a nearby veterinary clinic on February 20th after being hit by a car on February 18th. In their initial exam, the team noticed an…
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Star-Gazing Red-Shouldered Hawk

Student blog by: Dana Clark (Class of 2019, volunteer team leader) Presentation: A red-shouldered hawk presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic on February 11, 2018. On physical exam, the patient was initially dull, but perked…
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A Barred Owl Valentine

Barred Owl: from head trauma to flight An adult barred owl was brought to the Wildlife Medical Clinic on a cold February day. Volunteers quickly appreciated classic signs of head trauma: dazed look, inappropriate reaction…
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Owl without an Eye

Case by Faith Ramsey, VM19 Triage and Presentation: A Barred Owl was presented to the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital Emergency Room in November 2017 for head trauma and hyphema (blood) in the left…
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Red-Shouldered Hawk Case

Tony Bieser, VM20, Team Leader Red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus)  This hawk presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic after being found down near a public road. The finders cared for the patient for an unknown amount…
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barred owl

Barred Owl Joins WMC as New Resident

This beautiful barred owl has recently been accepted as a new member of the resident raptor team! She initially presented this past spring because she was unable to fly. Radiography, palpation, and range of motion…
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10 Days of Odin

If you haven’t already heard, it’s Odin’s twentieth “clinic birthday”! Help him help our patients by donating for his 20th Birthday Bash at our online fundraising site. On August 15, 1997, an emaciated juvenile red-tailed hawk…
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Summer at the WMC: Red-Tailed Hawk

This account is by Katelyn Bagg, a rising third year veterinary student and one of the clinic’s full-time summer interns. Working in a wildlife clinic on a daily basis is an adventure, as you never…
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