
Half Blind Red-Tailed Hawk

An adult Red-tailed Hawk presented to the Wildlife Medical Clinic after being found on the side of a highway.  The finder was concerned the hawk had been hit by a car and might have a…
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Welcome Back, Students!

At the beginning of each school year, applications open for undergraduate and veterinary students to become care team members for our patients. We are so excited about the large turnout we received this year! Almost 120…
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It Takes A Village!

While the weather may not agree, the wild animals of Illinois seem to have decided that springtime is here! Our clinic is once again filling with orphaned infant and juvenile animals in need of care….
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How to Help this Nesting Season

Nesting season for most Illinois wild bird species ranges from early March to the end of August. There is a surprising variety of strategies for nesting among different species. For example, Belted Kingfishers build nests…
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