
University of Illinois students visit Danville to help with a community medicine clinic

Is it really necessary to test your pets for certain diseases at the annual veterinary visit? And what about paying for vaccinations and monthly preventive medications? Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, director of Veterinary Medicine South Clinic,…
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Animal Rehabilitation Plans Tailored to the Patient

March 12, 2018

Plans’ Success Depends on Implementation at Home Physical rehabilitation for animals is the process of evaluating and managing patients with painful or functionally limiting conditions caused by illness or injury. Carrie Chandler-Harrison is a certified…
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[kitten plays with a ball of yarn]

Help! My Pet Swallowed a —!

February 04, 2018

A ‘foreign body’ may pose a medical emergency Animals are very curious creatures. But, as the old adage goes, curiosity can be deadly, or at least dangerous. So it is with animals that swallow things…
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[cat eating from a bowl]

What to Look for on a Pet Food Label

January 22, 2018

Regulations control wording on a pet food label The seemingly endless brightly colored cans, bags, and boxes in the pet food aisles can be quite overwhelming for pet owners. Dr. Kelly Swanson, an animal sciences…
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[Dr. Kimbery Selting with Spike]

Chemotherapy for Pets Focuses on Quality of Life

January 15, 2018

Pet’s cancer may be managed vs. cured The word “chemotherapy” conjures up images of nauseous, balding, and debilitated patients. While supportive therapies are available to soften these side effects in human cancer patients, it’s true…
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Top Five Pet Health Columns from 2017

January 02, 2018

Enjoy the Most-Read Columns from 2017 What topics did pet owners find most fascinating last year? We checked our website analytics, and discovered that fungal disease, behavioral issues, and cutting-edge treatments offered only at our…
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[immunotherapy for itchy dog]

Allergy Shots May Bring Relief to Itchy Dogs

November 27, 2017

Immunotherapy may be an effective treatment option Is something itching at your dog? If an allergy is to blame, it probably falls into one of three categories, according to Dr. Scott Miller, who recently completed…
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[cat yawning and showing teeth]

When the Tooth Breaks, Your Pet Is in Pain

November 13, 2017

Fractured teeth always merit a trip to the veterinarian Teeth are amazingly strong! Nevertheless, when you consider that teeth are essential tools for your cat or dog, used not only for eating but for playing…
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dog in a taco costume

Remember FEAR Tips to Keep Pets Safe This Halloween

October 16, 2017

When Halloween comes, adults and kids alike enjoy the chance to dress up and eat more candy than usual. But the American Animal Hospital Association recommends being mindful of pets’ FEAR—food, environment, attire, and recovery—to keep pets safe…
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[Kora the greyhound running]

The Case of the Greyhound That Ran Too Much

October 07, 2017

Kora Is Recovering from Exertional Rhabdomyolysis It happened on a gorgeous but cool—only 75 degrees F—Saturday afternoon in mid August. Kora, a young retired racing greyhound, was playing and romping around at a three-acre dog park…
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