General Care

University of Illinois students visit Danville to help with a community medicine clinic

Is it really necessary to test your pets for certain diseases at the annual veterinary visit? And what about paying for vaccinations and monthly preventive medications? Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, director of Veterinary Medicine South Clinic,…
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Hedgehogs Make Cute but Challenging Pets

December 04, 2017

Hedgehogs are nocturnal, athletic, and solitary Hedgehogs have gained popularity as pets in recent decades. Before you add one to your family, Dr. Krista Keller, a veterinarian at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital…
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[nine-banded armadillo]

Get to Know the Amazing Armadillo

October 30, 2017

But Experts Say, Don’t Get Too Close It’s official. With confirmed sightings last August, nine-banded armadillos are now part of the wildlife scene in east central Illinois. Dr. Julia Whittington, director of the Wildlife Medical…
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dog in a taco costume

Remember FEAR Tips to Keep Pets Safe This Halloween

October 16, 2017

When Halloween comes, adults and kids alike enjoy the chance to dress up and eat more candy than usual. But the American Animal Hospital Association recommends being mindful of pets’ FEAR—food, environment, attire, and recovery—to keep pets safe…
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[snake with bite wound]

Your Pet Snake’s Diet: Dead or Alive?

September 30, 2017

Feeding live prey has risks In the wild snakes can’t just order carry-in; they have to hunt for their next meal. So it’s not surprising that owners of pet snakes may believe their pets need…
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[Golden Wednesdays at Illinois veterinary rehab]

Old Dogs (and Cats), New Tricks

July 09, 2017

Tips for Keeping Geriatric Pets Healthy Thanks to advancing medicine, pets live longer than ever before. However, with these added years of valuable life come more age-related health problems. In her role as a rehabilitation…
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Care and Feeding of Backyard Chickens

April 23, 2017

Chickens can live as long as 8 years These days, you just can’t keep the chickens down on the farm. With the increasing popularity of “hobby poultry,” anyone with a backyard may contemplate setting up…
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[Dr. Annette McCoy with a palomino]

Genes Determine a Horse’s Color

March 06, 2017

In theory, any breed can be any color The horse has some of the most varied coat color markings and patterns of any domestic species. Even within breeds, there are dozens of combinations a new…
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