Pet Columns

University of Illinois students visit Danville to help with a community medicine clinic

Is it really necessary to test your pets for certain diseases at the annual veterinary visit? And what about paying for vaccinations and monthly preventive medications? Dr. Gene Pavlovsky, director of Veterinary Medicine South Clinic,…
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Hand holding a newborn puppy

Fading Puppy Syndrome: When Puppies Fail to Thrive

November 27, 2023

Is there anything more sweet and cuddly than weeks-old puppies? Sadly, not every little pup lives long enough to start eating solid food. Dr. Alyssa Baratta-Martin, a veterinarian who recently joined the primary care service…
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a horse eats grass from a wheelbarrow

Horses Get Gastric Ulcers

November 10, 2023

Horses of every discipline and lifestyle may develop ulcers in their gastrointestinal tract, leading to poor appetite, poor performance, and possible colic. Dr. Rebecca Bishop, an equine veterinarian who is completing a PhD at the…
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photo illustration of dog getting a shot

What Monoclonal Antibodies Can Do for Your Pet

November 06, 2023

You go to the vet’s office with your dog who is having allergy issues … again. After an exam, the veterinarian recommends a new monoclonal antibody therapy. One injection once a month sounds too good…
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dog eating its diet

What’s the Right Diet for Your Dog?

October 27, 2023

Taking a quick trip to the pet store can be challenging, given the myriad of options now available. In particular, there is a confusing and even frustrating array of diets for our canine companions. Dr….
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poster for Open House 2023

Have a Super Time at Vet Med Open House

September 18, 2023

This year the annual Open House at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine wants visitors to know that “Veterinarians Are Superheroes.” (Although they don’t—usually—wear capes.) People of all ages are encouraged to attend…
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Whisper on an exam table in Vet Med South Clinic

Bring Your Cat to a Cat Friendly Clinic

August 06, 2023

Cat lovers, get ready to celebrate! August 22 is National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day! If the idea of bringing your kitty to see the veterinarian strikes you as the opposite of a…
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pet rabbit lying on bamboo mat

Keep Flea Products Away from Rabbits

July 06, 2023

As every rabbit owner knows, pet rabbits can be quite curious and sometimes quite mischievous. That’s why it is extremely important for owners not to leave anything harmful or toxic in areas that the rabbit…
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two horses eating hay

Blister Beetles: One Cause of Summer Colic

June 07, 2023

Warmer weather entices many equestrians to hit the road with their horses. While you are ensuring that you have the needed certificate of veterinary inspection and negative Coggins test, you might need to think about…
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