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Vet Med Open House Offers Whirlwind of Learning

poster image featuring yellow brick road, rainbow, and Toto dog

The 2024 Open House, put on by more than 400 students from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, has adopted a cinematic theme this year that will transport visitors to a place of family-friendly activities, educational exhibits, and fascinating demonstrations.

“There’s no place like Vet Med” suggests the limitless career opportunities in areas ranging from animal care to public health to conservation to biomedical research. It also invites people of all ages to learn about animals and about the state’s only veterinary college.

People touching horse at Vet Med Open House
Visitors meet a horse at the 2023 Vet Med Open House
children touching a snake at Vet Med Open House
Face painting, paper ears, and snakes!

The free event happens Sunday, October 6, from 10 am to 4 pm. Guests do not need to register.

More than 40 exhibits across four buildings will populate the Vet Med campus. Guests will find free parking at 2001 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, Ill. Exhibits focus on aspects of veterinary medicine, from anesthesiology to toxicology. If you’re looking for a heart or a brain, be sure to check out the cardiology and neurology exhibits.

Off to See the Animals

“We’ll have lots of live animals, from service dogs and horses to lizards and owls, for the public to see and learn about,” says Justin Huff, a third-year veterinary student who has served on the Open House organizing committee since 2022.

White poodle-type dog from Vet Med Open House
One of the service animals that showed off their skills

Demonstrations will include horseshoeing and animal rehabilitation.

The popular “fistulated cow” exhibit will be back, giving guests a first-hand encounter with the four-chambered digestive system of these ruminants.

The cow milking exhibit, however, will not be offered this year. Instead, visitors will have the opportunity to meet some of the sheep and goats the college owns and learn how veterinarians assess their health.

The Wildlife Medical Clinic, a student-run program that provides medical care for ill or injured wildlife, will showcase their ambassador animals during the event.

Note: The public may not bring their animals to Open House. Only human visitors may attend.

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Admission talk at Vet Med Open House
Find out about vet school admissions

There’s something for all ages at Vet Med Open House.

For aspiring veterinarians, Open House features presentations on how to get into veterinary school. A panel of current students will answer questions about what to expect once you get in.

For the younger set, hands-on activities include gowning up to conduct “surgery” on stuffed toys. In the Kids’ Tent, veterinary students assist with crafts and face painting. There’s even a scavenger hunt bingo card to encourage kids to explore various exhibits.

A veterinary student club, the Production Medicine Club, operates a food booth. Visitors may purchase hamburgers, hot dogs, chili, and more. The proceeds allow the club to provide extracurricular learning experiences for veterinary students interested in food animal practice. For more information about Open House, visit