Practitioner Updates

RHDV Vaccine Clinics for Rabbits Available Now

pet bunny in exam room

In 2021 the USDA granted Emergency Use Authorization for an experimental vaccine against rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV). Preliminary data shows the vaccine’s safety and efficacy at protecting rabbits against this calicivirus. The vaccine is undergoing continued FDA approval at this time.

The zoological medicine service will continue to offer a vaccine clinic monthly for pet rabbits to help promote protection from this dangerous virus, year-round. Veterinary interns, residents, and students as well as certified veterinary technicians will be involved in this process under supervision of faculty members, including Dr. Michelle Borsdorf, head of the zoological medicine service.

The vaccination protocol consists of two injections, at least three weeks apart. The rabbits will also receive an oral dose of meloxicam to reduce discomfort at the injection site and vaccine-associated lethargy.

View a current list of vaccine clinics.

Your clients with rabbits can call the hospital’s Veterinary Medicine South Clinic (217-244-2555) for more information and to book an appointment.