Research Day

Each spring, the college sets aside a day to celebrate our diverse research activities and to build our research community.


Research Day features formal presentations as well as afternoon poster session, where college researchers including veterinary students, graduate students, trainees, staff, and faculty members present their research progress. A keynote speaker from outside of the college, whose work broadly addresses college research efforts, is selected.

Research Day is also a time to recognize outstanding effort with the presentation of graduate student awards and the initiation of new members into Phi Zeta, the honor society of veterinary medicine.

The Pensinger Lecture in Comparative Medicine; Keynote Address

After completing his DVM at the University of Illinois in 1960, Dr. Robert Pensinger studied at the University of Pennsylvania under David K. Detweiler, who has been called the “Father of Veterinary Cardiology.” Dr. Pensinger went on to practice as a veterinary cardiologist in Santa Cruz, Calif. In 2003, he and his wife established the Dr. Robert and Cynthia Pensinger Fund to support an annual lecture in comparative medicine.

The 2025 Pensinger Lecturer

Dr. Carol Reinero headshot

Dr. Carol Reinero received her DVM from the University of California-Davis.  She completed a Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Rotating Internship at Texas A&M University and returned to UC Davis to complete a Small Animal Internal Medicine Residency and subsequently a PhD in Immunology. She is currently a Professor and the Director of the Comparative Internal Medicine Laboratory at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She is also the co-Founder and co-Director of the University of Missouri BREATHE Clinic (Bringing REspiration and Aerodigestion Toward HEalth), a specialty service designed to improve the health of dogs and cats with a wide variety of respiratory and interlinked digestive disorders.

Her clinical interests include interstitial lung diseases, airway disorders, pulmonary hypertension, and advanced respiratory diagnostics.  She has served on 40 graduate committees and as the primary advisor for 17 of these; 8 of her prior trainees hold academic positions at Colleges of Veterinary Medicine.  She is a past-President for the Veterinary Comparative Respiratory Society. Dr. Reinero has spoken nationally and internationally on respiratory diseases in small animals and has published well over 150 peer reviewed scientific manuscripts and book chapters. 


LAC 100, Veterinary Teaching Hospital Animal Clinic

8:00 a.m.

Peter Constable, Dean

Presentation of Graduate Student Awards
Gireesh Rajashekara, Associate Dean For Research and Advanced Studies

  • Joseph O. Alberts Award, for an outstanding College of Veterinary Medicine graduate student
  • Dr. Victor E. O. (Ted) and Carroll J. Valli Award, for an outstanding graduate student in pathology or clinical pathology
  • Paul B. Doby Award, for an outstanding graduate student who is conducting infectious disease research applicable to food animals

Miranda Vieson, Secretary, Mu Chapter of Phi Zeta

  • Phi Zeta Literary Award — Basic Science
  • Phi Zeta Literary Award — Clinical Applied Science

Phi Zeta Initiation
Annette McCoy, Associate Professor
President, Mu Chapter of Phi Zeta

Student Lightning Talks
Six student abstracts will be selected. The presenting author will have 3 minutes and one PowerPoint slide to present a preview of their poster and attract an audience for the Poster Session. Faculty judges will evaluate the quality of the lightning talk and the poster presentation and award prizes of $500 that can be used toward research-related activities. Three total prizes will be given. Speaker names and presentation titles will be announced no later than March 31, 2025.


9:00 a.m.

Pensinger Lecture in Comparative Medicine: Title To Be Announced
Carol Reinero, DVM, PhD
Professor and the Director of the Comparative Internal Medicine Laboratory, University of Missouri-Columbia
Co-Founder and Co-Director of the University of Missouri BREATHE Clinic


10:15 a.m.

Student Speaker Competition
Six student abstracts will be selected. The presenting author will have 12 minutes for their presentation and 3 minutes to answer audience questions. Faculty judges will evaluate the quality of the presentation and three speakers will win $1,000 that can be used toward research-related activities. Speaker names and presentation titles will be announced no later than March 31, 2025.

Atrium, Veterinary Medicine Basic Sciences Building

12 noon

Boxed Lunch (must be registered for afternoon session to receive lunch)

12:30 2:30 p.m.

Poster Session
Odd numbered posters will be presented from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Even numbered posters will be presented from 1:30-2:30 p.m.

LAC 100, Veterinary Teaching Hospital Animal Clinic

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Invited Internal Presentation and Awards Ceremony
To Be Announced


Zoetis Logo

Research Day activities are co-sponsored by Zoetis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Phi Zeta, and the College of Veterinary Medicine Office of Research and Advanced Studies.