Professional Profile

image for Wilkins, Pamela A

Wilkins, Pamela A

Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
1008 W. Hazelwood Drive
M/C 004
Urbana, IL  61802


  • PhD, Cornell University (Physiology)
  • DVM, Cornell University
  • MS, Cornell University
  • BS, Cornell University

show listProfessional Certifications

  • Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Large Animal)
  • Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care

Research Interests

Cardiovascular and respiratory problems of the critically ill foal or horse; respiratory diseases and problems of horses, equine infectious diseases; lactate metabolism and bacterial blood cultures in foals and adult horses as indicators of disease severity and prognosis.


show listCourses Taught

  • VCM633
  • VCM 659
  • VCM 584
  • VCM 577
  • VCM 506

show listSelected Publications

  • Johns I, Tennent-Brown B, Dallap Schaer BL, Southwood LL, Boston RC, Wilkins PA*. Blood culture status in adult horses with diarrhea: A possible association with survival. Equine Veterinary Journal 2009;41(2):160-164.
  • Borchers A, van Eps A, Zedler S, Wilkins PA*. Thoracic trauma and post operative lung injury in a neonatal foal. Equine Veterinary Education 2009;21(4):186-191.
  • Bentz AI, Palmer JE, Dallap Schaer BL, Wilkins PA, Boston RC. Prospective evaluation of coagulation in critically ill neonatal foals. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 2009;23:161-167.
  • Dallap Schaer BL, Wilkins PA*, Boston RC, Palmer JE. Preliminary evaluation of hemostasis in neonatal foals using a viscoelastic coagulation and platelet function analyzer. Journal of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care 2009;19(1):81-87.
  • Dallap Schaer BL, Bentz AI, Boston RC, JE Palmer, Wilkins PA*. Comparison of viscoelastic coagulation analysis and standard coagulation profiles in critically ill neonatal foals to outcome. Journal of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care. 2009;19(1):88-95.
  • Wotman K, Wilkins PA*, Boston RC, Palmer JE. Association of blood lactate concentration and outcome in foals. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2009;23(3):598-605
  • Nolen-Walston R D, Kuehn H, Boston RC, Mazan MR, Wilkins PA, Bruns S, Hoffman AM. Reproducibility of airway responsiveness in horses using flowmetric plethysmography and histamine bronchoprovocation. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2009;23(3):631-635.
  • Tennent-Brown BS, Wilkins PA*, Lindborg S, Russell G, Boston RC. Admission and sequentially measured plasma lactate concentrations as prognostic indicators in adult equine emergencies. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Epub ahead of print Nov 17, 2009 PMID: 19925572
  • Wong DW, Maxwell LK, Wilkins PA*. Use of antiviral medications against equine herpes virus associated disorders. Submitted Equine Veterinary Education November2009.

show listHonors and Awards

  • Specialty Lifetime Achievement Award in Large Animal Internal Medicine, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
  • Boehringer-Ingelheim World Equine Veterinary Association Applied Research Award
  • Ira M. Zaslow Distinguished Service Award from the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society
  • Intervet/Schering-Plough AH International Equine Emergency and Critical Care Educator Award
  • Member, President’s Council of Cornell Women
  • Niemeyer Outstanding Outside Speaker
  • Marquis 'Who's Who in America'
  • Madison's 'Who's Who Registry of American Executive and Professionals'

show listService Activities

  • Promotion and Tenure Committee
  • College of Veterinary Medicine Research Advisory Committee
  • Section Chief, Equine Medicine and Surgery
  • Hospital Chief of Service, Equine Medicine and Surgery
  • Member: Veterinary Teaching Hospital Advisory Committee
  • Member: Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine Advisory Committee
  • Member: Animal Use Committee (Curriculum)
  • Member: Veterinary Teaching Hospital Board
  • Member: Veterinary Teaching Hospital Faculty Management Team
  • Member: Client Satisfaction Committee
  • Member: VTH Marketing Committee
  • Member: VCM Leadership Group
  • Member: CVM Awards Selection
  • Chair: Quality Assurance Committee
  • Ad hoc Member, College Admissions Advisory Committee
  • American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
  • Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society
  • American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine