Services Contacts
Small Animal Emergency Care
(dogs, cats, exotics) Specialty Services
1008 W. Hazelwood Drive, Urbana
(217) 333-5300
Equine/Large Animal
Emergency Primary Care
1102 W. Hazelwood Drive, Urbana
(217) 333-2000
Primary Care (dogs, cats, exotics)
2100 S Goodwin Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 244-2555
On-Farm Services for Horses
(309) 928-2127
(Midwest Equine)
Farrier Services on Farm and in Clinic
(217) 300-7222
On-Farm Services for
Farm and Food Animals
(217) 333-7232
For appointments, call
Monday to Friday, 8 to 5.
Emergency services are provided
24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
From Interstate 74, take the Lincoln Avenue exit south and travel about 3.1 miles until you reach Hazelwood Drive. From Interstate 57, take the Curtis Road exit east; turn north on Route 45 (Dunlap Avenue), east on Windsor Road, and north on Lincoln Avenue one-half mile to Hazelwood Drive.
Small Animal ClinicFree parking is available for clients in the spots marked “Client Parking.” If a “Client Parking” spot is not available, please park at a meter and ask one of our client services staff members for a hang tag for free short-term parking. Trailer parking is available for large animal clinic clients.
Einstein Bros. Bagels
During the academic year, Einstein Bros. Bagels is open in the Basic Sciences Building just a short walk from the hospital. Hours are 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Clinical Trials and Studies
Clinical trials are research studies that try to answer specific clinical questions about new therapies and drugs. Often clinical trials offer cutting-edge treatments at a reduced cost to the animal owner. This research generates new ways to detect and treat clinical problems for the benefit of animal and human medicine.