Professional Profile

image for Nanjappa, Som G.

Nanjappa, Som G.

Associate Professor of Immunology
#2828 VMBSB
2001 S. Lincoln Avenue
Urbana, IL  61802

show listEducation

  • Ph.D.: Department of Pathobiological Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • DVM: University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India

show listAcademic Positions

Associate Professor of Immunology: Department of Pathobiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Assistant Professor of Immunology: Department of Pathobiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Assistant Scientist: Department of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Associate: Department of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research (Graduate) Assistant: Department of Pathobiological Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Graduate Assistant: Department of Veterinary Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

show listHonors and Awards

AAI Laboratory Travel Grant: American Association of Immunologists, Chicago, IL, USA, 2024

AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant: American Association of Immunologists, Washington D.C., USA, 2023

AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant: American Association of Immunologists, Portland, OR, USA, 2022

AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant: American Association of Immunologists, Virtual, 2021

Innovation Award: American Lung Association, 2020

AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant: American Association of Immunologists, Honolulu, USA, 2020

AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant: American Association of Immunologists, San Diego, USA, 2019

AAI Trainee Poster Award: American Association of Imunologists, Pittsburgh, USA, 2014

AAI Trainee Abstract Award: American Association of Immunologists, Honolulu, USA, 2013

AAI Trainee Abstract Award: American Association of Immunologists, San Francisco, USA, 2011

AAI Trainee Abstract Award: American Association of Immunologists, Baltimore, USA, 2010

Milton E. Mohr Scholarship and Fellowship: Center for Biotechnology and the College of Engineering and Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2004

The Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Recruitment Program Traineeship: Biomedical Sciences group, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2003-2004

Summer Research Fellowship: Indian Institute of Sciences & Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India, 1998-99

Merit Scholarship: University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India, 1996-97

show listResearch Interests

We love to study anything that is related to infectious immunology, and are open to other immunology related areas. However, we are particularly interested in studying the infections caused by opportunistic pathogens. We use different classes of pathogens such as Blastomyces sps., Mycobacterium sps., and Toxoplasma sps., and other opportunistic fungal and bacterial sps. 

Currently, we are focused on three major fronts in infectious immunology.

1. Innate and adaptive immune responses to bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infections/vaccinations. 

2. Functional and dysfunctional respiratory immune responses to bacterial and fungal infections.

3. Uncovering the mechanisms involved in immunopathology during immunity to bacterial and fungal infections.

show listGrants

  • NIH/NIAID R01 AI153522: Immunity against fungal infections. 01/2021 to 12/2025. Role: Principal Investigator
  • NIH/NINDS U01 NS122102: Optimization of an in vivo base editing strategy to treat SOD1-linked ALS. 12/2021 to 11/2026. Role: Co-Investigator
  • NIH/NINDS R01 NS123556: Development of a CRISPR-Cas13 gene therapy for SOD1-linked ALS. 02/2022 to 01/2027. Role: Co-Investigator
  • Department of Defense PR220150: Incretin mimetic and thiazolidinediones as therapy against excessive airway mucus to improve lung function in COPD patients. 04/2023 to 03/2027. Role: Co-Investigator
  • NIH/NIAID R21 AI171524: Mechanistic triggers of excessive mucus during lung infections by bacterial volatile organic compounds. 08/2023 to 07/2025. Role: Co-Investigator
  • OVCRI Campus Research Board Award RB24120: Generation of T-cell transgenic mouse strains to evaluate antigen-specific vaccine immunity to eukaryotic pathogen. 04/19/2024-10/31/2025. Role: Principal Investigator
  • NIH/NIAID R03AI182772: Generation and characterization of CD43-floxed mice for conditional ablation in hematopoietic cells and T cells in immunity against pulmonary fungal infections. 06/17/2024-04/30/2026. Role: Principal Investigator

  • NIH/NIAID R21AI182697: Myeloid-cell-specific role of CBLB for immunity against pulmonary fungal infections. 12/01/2024-11/30/2026. Role: Principal Investigator
  • Innovation Award: American Lung Association. 07/2020 to 06/2022. Role: Principal Investigator 
  • NIH/NIAID R21 AI119945: Role of GM-CSF+IL-17+CD8T cells in respiratory fungal immunity. 03/2016 to 02/2019. Role: Principal Investigator

show listProfessional Certifications

  • Diplomate, American Board of Toxicology, Inc.

show listSelected Publications

  • Kulkarni NA ans SG Nanjappa*. 2024. Advances in Dendritic-Cell-Based Vaccines against Respiratory Fungal Infections. Vaccines. 12(9), 981. doi: *Corresponding author. 
  • Sharma J#, Mudalagiriyappa S#, Abdelaal HFM, Kelly TC, Choi W, Ponnuraj N, Vieson MD, Talaat AM, and SG Nanjappa*. 2024. E3 ubiquitin ligase CBLB regulates innate immune responses and bacterial dissemination during nontuberculous mycobacteria infection. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. qiae019.  #Equal contribution. *Corresponding author. 
  • Mudalagiriyappa S, Sharma J, Vieson MD, and SG Nanjappa*. 2022. GM-CSF+Tc17 cells are required to bolster vaccine immunity against lethal fungal pneumonia without causing overt pathology. Cell Reports. Oct 25. 41, 111543. *Corresponding author.
  • Sharma J, Mudalagiriyappa S, and SG Nanjappa*. 2022. T cell responses to control fungal infection in an immunological memory lens. Frontiers in Immunology.13 Sept. *Corresponding author.
  • Yuan F, Sharma J, Nanjappa SG, Gaulke CA, and Y Fang. 2022. Effect of killed PRRSV vaccine on gut microbiota diversity in pigs. Viruses. 14 (5):1081. doi: 10.3390/v14051081.
  • Segabinazzi LGTM, Podico G, Rosser MF, Nanjappa SG, Alvarenga MA, and I Canisso. 2021. Three manual noncommercial methods to prepare equine platelet-rich plasma. Animals. 11(6):1478.
  • Choi W, Yang AX, Sieve A, Kuo SH, Mudalagiriyappa S, Vieson M, Maddox CW, Nanjappa SG, and GW Lau. 2020. Pulmonary Mycosis Drives FOXA2 Degradation and Mucus Hypersecretion through Activation of the SYK-EGFR-AKT/ERK1/2 Signaling. American Journal of Pathology. Oct 15:S0002-9440(20)30460-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2020.09.013. PMID: 33069717.
  • Ma L, Wang L, Nelson AT, Han C, He S, Henn MA, Menon K, Chen JJ, Baek AE, Vardanyan A, Shahoei SH, Park S, Shapiro DJ, Nanjappa SG, and ER Nelson. 2020.  27-Hydroxycholesterol acts on myeloid immune cells to induce T cell dysfunction, promoting breast cancer progression. Cancer Letters. Aug 27:S0304-3835(20)30435-3. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2020.08.020. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32861706
  • Nanjappa SG*, Mudalagiriyappa S, Fites S, M Suresh and BS Klein. 2018. Cbl-b constrains inactivated vaccine-induced CD8+ T cell responses and immunity against lethal fungal pneumonia. The Journal of Immunology. 201 (6): 1717-1726. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1701241. *Corresponding author.

                  Journal’s ‘In this issue’ article 

  • Nanjappa SG*, McDermott AJ, Fites JS, Galles K, Wuthrich M, Deepe GS Jr., and BS Klein*. 2017. Antifungal Tc17 cells are durable and stable, persisting as long-lasting vaccine memory without plasticity towards IFNγ cells. PLoS Pathogens. 13(5):e1006356. Doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006356. *Corresponding authors.
  • Nanjappa SG*, Hernandez-Santos N, Galles K, Wuthrich M, Suresh M, and BS Klein*. 2015. Intrinsic MyD88-Akt1-mTOR coordinates disparate Tc1 and Tc17 cell responses during vaccine immunity against fungal pneumonia. PLoS Pathogens. 11(9):e1005161. Doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005161. *Corresponding authors.
  • Nanjappa SG* and BS Klein*. 2014. Vaccine Immunity against Fungal infections. Review article. Current Opinion in Immunology. 28C:27-33. Doi:10.1016/j.coi.2014.01.014. *Corresponding authors.
  • Brandhorst TT, Roy R, Wüthrich M, Nanjappa S, Filutowicz H, Galles K, Tonelli M, McCaslin DR, Satyshur K, and B Klein. 2013. Structure and Function of a Fungal Adhesin that Binds Heparin and Mimics Thrombospondin-1 by Blocking T Cell Activation and Effector Function. PLoS Pathogens. 9(7): e1003464. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003464.
  • Roy RM, Paes HC, Nanjappa SG, Sorkness R, Gasper D, Sterkel A, Wuthrich M, and BS Klein. 2013. Complement component 3C3 and C3a receptor are required in chitin-dependent allergic sensitization to Aspergillus fumigatus but dispensable in chitin-induced innate allergic inflammation. mBio. 4:2 doi:10.1128/mBio.00162-13. 
  • Nanjappa SG, Heninger E, Wüthrich M, Gasper D and BS Klein. 2012. Tc17 cells mediate vaccine immunity against lethal fungal pneumonia in immune deficient hosts lacking CD4+ T cells. PLoS Pathogens. 8(7): e1002771. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002771.  

                    Journal’s ‘featured research’ article 

                    Recommended in ‘FACULTY 1000Prime’ 

  • Nanjappa SG, Heninger E, Wuthrich M, and BS Klein. 2012. Protective antifungal memory CD8+ T cells are maintained in the absence of CD4+ T cell help and cognate antigen in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 122(3):987-99.  

                   Journal’s ‘In this issue’ article 

                   Recommended in ‘FACULTY1000Prime’ 

  • Nanjappa SG, Kim EH, and M Suresh. 2011. Immunotherapeutic effects of IL-7 during a chronic viral infection. Blood. 117(19):5123-32. 
  • Nanjappa SG, Walent JH, Morre M, and M Suresh. 2008. Effects of IL-7 on memory CD8 T cell homeostasis are influenced by the timing of therapy in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 118(3):1027-39. 

                   Highlighted paper of the journal’s issue. 

                   Highlighted in ‘news and commentary’ in the nature journal        

                         Immunology and Cell Biology (2008) 86, 385–386. 

  • Shamim M*, Nanjappa SG*, Singh A* Plisch EH, LeBlanc SE, Walent J, Svaren J, Seroogy C, and M Suresh. 2007. Cbl-b regulates antigen-induced TCR down-regulation and IFN-gamma production by effector CD8 T cells without affecting functional avidity. Journal of Immunology. 179(11):7233-43. *authors contributed equally for this work. 

show listLinks

show listSelected Service Activities

Ad hoc grant reviewer:

  1. Travel Stipends For Trainees And Early-Career Faculty, And Session Support, For 12th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium: USDA-NIFA: 2019
  2. SEEDS: The CFAES Research Competitive Grants Program, Ohio State University: 2019
  3. Companion Animal Research Grants, College of Vet Med, UIUC: 2019
  4. OVCR-Research Board, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 2019
  5. OVCR-Research Board, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 2020
  6. The CFAES Internal Grants Program, Ohio State University: 2020
  7. COVID-19 Respiratory Virus Research Award, American Lung Association: 2020
  8. COVID-19 and Emerging Respiratory Viruses Research Award grants, American Lung Association: 2021
  9. Hatch and Animal Health & Disease Grants, College of Veterinary Medicine, UIUC: 2021
  10. Companion Animal Research Grants, College of Veterinary Medicine, UIUC: 2021
  11. COVID-19 and Respiratory Virus Research Award grants, American Lung Association: 2022
  12. The CFAES Research Competitive Grants Program, Ohio State University: 2022
  13. Hatch and Animal Health & Disease Grants, College of Veterinary Medicine, UIUC: 2022
  14. Companion Animal Research Grants, College of Veterinary Medicine, UIUC: 2022
  15. Gustafsson/Whitmore Research Grants, College of Veterinary Medicine, UIUC: 2022
  16. COVID-19 and Emerging Respiratory Virus Research Award grants, American Lung Association: 2023
  17. Companion Animal Research Grants, College of Veterinary Medicine, UIUC: 2023
  18. Gustafsson/Whitmore Research Grants, College of Veterinary Medicine, UIUC: 2023
  19. Emerging Respiratory Pathogen Award grant. American Lung Association. 2024
  20. NIAID/NIH-CSR Vaccine Against Infectious Diseases (VID) study section: Nov 2023
  21. The Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC), University of Michigan Medical School- Pilot and Feasilbility (P&F) grants: 2023
  22. International Veterinarinary Vaccinology Network (IVVN) Pump-priming grants: June 2024
  23. NIAID/NIH-CSR Vaccine Against Infectious Diseases (VID) study section: Jun 2024
  24. Emerging Respiratory Pathogen Award grants, American Lung Association: 2024
  25. NIAID/NIH-CSR Vaccine Against Infectious Diseases (VID) study section: Oct 2024


Editorial Activities:

Guest Associate Editor-Frontiers in Infectious Agents and Disease, 2021-present

Guest Associate Editor-Frontiers in Microbial Immunology, 2021-present

Topic Editor-Vaccine strategies for intracellular infections-Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022

Topic Editor-Immune intervention avenues to control fungal infections in immunocompromised individuals-Frontiers in Immunology and Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022

Review Editor-Infectious Diseases: Frontiers in Infectious Agents and Disease, 2021-present

Review Editor-Microbial Immunology: Frontiers in Immunology and Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021-present

Review Editor-Comparative Immunology: Frontiers in Immunology and Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021-present

Topical Advisory Panel Member: Journal of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2020-present


Journal Peer Review Activities:

Journal of Fungi, Journal of Immunology, Frontiers in Immunology, Human Immunology, Frontiers in Microbiology, Virulence, PLoS One, Chemical Research in Toxicology, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, International Journal of Nanomedicine, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Journal of Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, Biomedicine & Pharmacology, Archives of Clinical Case Reports, Veterinary Microbiology, Antibiotics, Scientific Reports, Vaccines, ImmunoHorizons, Current Drug Safety. Book:Immunology MCQs’-Bentham Science Publishers.

show listProfessional Affiliations

  • The American Association of Immunologists (AAI)
  • The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research (ISICR)
  • American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
  • Society for Mucosal Immunology (SMI)

show listResearch Biography

I always wondered about the diseases afflicting humans. During my childhood, I still remember my mother's relentless help protect me during my 'susceptible' age (many vicious bouts went on to my six years of age!). I still remember my chicken pox encounter(: Although I had my inclination towards battling against pathogens during my professional veterinary program, I could grasp the power of vaccines to defeat many 'nasty' infections during my practice, a 'fuel' continuing still in my soul and goal.

My research interests focus on infectious immunology. Immunity deals with host sensing pathogens, in lieu of commensal microbiota, in a way that pathogens are either prevented or eliminated. Host immune systems have evolutionarily developed, specifically, to mount a robust immune response to eliminate the 'unwanted invaders'. Nevertheless, 'same evolution' has given the pathogen a greater opportunity to enter host efficiently, to establish persistence by evading host immune responses, and to disseminate when host's protection is crumbled. The protective host immunity is at 'peril' when host immune system is compromised like during HIV infection, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, transplantation and/or any other medical intervention that suppress the immunity. In this evolutionary 'battle' between host and pathogen, and 'our own' independent 'habits', pathogens are taking a dominant stage in many ways. The pathogens, which were considered innocuous, have become threats in a greater extent.

In this 'crossroad', my research focuses on how to prevent and/or eliminate the 'vicious' pathogens during the 'immunocompromised' state of an individual. My research goals are to develop both preventive vaccines (effective) and therapeutic (immune-based) approaches. Currently, I use 'state of the art' mouse models of infections using bacterial, fungal, and protozoan pathogens to uncover not only how they successfully breach the immune barriers, but also develop immunotherapeutic/preventive interventions. My research, further, extends to use of human cells/cell lines to address the crtical gaps in translational discovery. Nevertheless, One Health Initiative, give us an additional opportunity to encompass animal health and models to address the unmet needs for human health.

In this context, I met a great mentor, M. Suresh, during my Ph.D. program, where I could decipher the power of immunotherapy, including the understanding of fundamentals of T cell memory, a basis of vaccine immunity. Continuation with this passion, for my postdoctoral traineeship, I was 'lucky' to be a part of Bruce Klein lab, Bruce being another great mentor, where I could muster my shaped knowledge to show that 'primed' CD8+ T cells can indeed become CD4+ T cell  'helpless' potent memory T cells producing protective type 17 (IL-17A) and type I cytokines to eliminate respiratory fungal infections.

The Passion continues to endure as I embark on my journey at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to address the needs of the human health and One Health.