Terio, Karen Andrea
Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- PhD, University of California-Davis
- DVM, Tufts Univeristy
- BA, Bowdoin College, cum laude, Honors in Biology
Professional Certifications
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Research Interests
Diseases impact the conservation of wild animals both in their natural habitats and in breeding programs that serve as safeguards to species survival. But the causes for these diseases are often unknown. Dr. Terio's research focuses predominately on diseases of wild felids and primates, involving both disease surveillance and research. She works with a number of international conservation organizations including the Gombe Ecohealth Project and Cheetah Conservation Fund as well as the Great Ape Heart Project and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Felid Taxon Advisory Group and Species Survival Plans.
Courses Taught
- Exotic Animal Pathology I
- Exotic Animal Pathology II
- Exotic Animal Pathology Seminar
- Systems Pathology
- Conservation Medicine, Lecturer
- Pathology Seminar, Lecturer
Honors and Awards
- Wildlife Medicine Award, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine
- C.L. Davis D.V.M. Foundation Scholarship Award in Veterinary Pathology
- American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Winner Post-Graduate Competition
Professional Affiliations
ACVP Councilor, 2015 - present
ACVP Certifying Examination Committee, Member and General Chair (2009-2013)
Cheetah Conservation Fund, Scientific Advisor
Gombe Ecohealth Project, Lead Pathologist
Elephant Care International, Scientific Advisor
Pathology Advisor to: AZA Black-footed cat, Bonobo, Cheetah, Chimpanzee, Clouded Leopard, Fishing Cat, Ocelot, and Pallas’ cat Species Survival Plans and to the Felid Taxon Advisory Group