Foreman, Jonathan H
Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- BS, College of William and Mary
- DVM, University of Georgia
- MS, Washington State University
Research Interests
Exercise physiology and respiratory disease
Selected Publications
- Kline K, Frey LP, Foreman JH and Lyman JT. Effects of intravenous sodium bicarbonate and sodium acetate on equine acid-base status. J Equine Vet Sci 2005;25(8):349-354.
- Sponseller BT, Valberg SJ, Tennent-Brown BS, Foreman JH, Kumar P and Timoney JF. Severe acute rhabdomyolysis in 4 horses associated with Streptococcus equi subspecies equi infection. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2005;227(11):1800-1807.
- Foreman JH. Effects of different methods of cooling horses after exercise under hot conditions. Equine Vet J, submitted August 2005, accepted February 2006, under revision.
- Foreman JH, Constable PD, Waggoner AL, Levy M, Eppley RM, Smith GW, Tumbleson ME and Haschek WM. Neurologic abnormalities and cerebrospinal fluid changes in horses administered fumonising B, intravenously. J Vet Intern Med 2004;18:223-230.
- Foreman JH, Waldsmith JK and Lalum RL. Physiological, acid-base, and electrolyte changes in horses competing in Preliminary, Intermediate, and Advanced horse trials. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 2004;1:99-105.
- Seino KK, Foreman JH, Greene SA, Goetz TE and Benson GJ. Physiological effects of topical capsaicin in a reversible model of equine foot lameness. J Vet Intern Med 2003;17:563-566. (Winner of UIUC Chapter Phi Zeta Literary Award 2003.)
- Foreman JH, Kneller SK, Twardock AR, Chambers MD and Inoue OJ. Forelimb skeletal scintigraphy responses in previously-untrained Thoroughbreds undergoing initial treadmill training. Equine Vet J 2002; Suppl 34:230-235.
Professional Certifications
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine